Oh, I knew you were talking about "those other few"  -- but I still thought it kind of funny that you would say something about not wanting to see other dealers dropping out because of your competition -- and then turn around in a few sentences and casually mention that you thought the few who are trying to compete with you on your terms would be better off just consigning to you...
...I'm sorry, but I see a humorous dichotomy there -- if only because of the extremely close proximity of the two statements.  But maybe I've just been watching too many Presidential "debates" of late...
I guess some would find an eBay store a "cheap" way to display their inventory... but it seems to me that for 1,000 items @ $50 a month that you could do the same thing -- better, with no restrictions -- by simply putting up your own website and paying maybe $20 a month for it. Then if you went to 2,000 or 3,000 items in inventory your monthly cost would stay at $20 instead of rising to $100 or $150 a month. You could still use your eBay auctions as promos for your website. I know that technically eBay does not allow this, but it doesn't seem to stop a whole lot of sellers from slipping a promo mention for their site into their auction descriptions, sometimes in a very prominent way. Of course, doing an eBay store is "easier" than doing one's own website, I suppose,  and the "easy, convenient" road to hell is what eBay has been paving for so many people for so long now.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 1:08
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Where have all the sellers gone, long time passing


This post was in context to showing a way dealers could list their items on
eBay, EVEN with their moronic set-up.  I DO agree they would be wise to
explore regularly placing their items on MoviePosterBid (if only at their
retail prices), but that was not in the context of my initial post, and
besides, you explore this second topic often and quite well!

As to your thinking there is a contradiction in what I said, that comes
from your reading too fast.  I said that the one or two volume sellers who
mimic me would get more money consigning to me.  That is likely NOT true
for any other dealer, and I never suggested it.  Other dealers need to get
above what they paid for their items or they will go out of business fast,
and I can't guarantee that.  But I know that setting up an eBay store with
your entire inventory IS a bargain and DOES make sense, at least for the
time being.  Of course there is no saying eBay won't raise the price to ten
cents per item next month, but for right now it is a "real deal".  Just ask
John Reid, Denis from Movie Madness, or any of the other dozen or so
dealers who already do this.


JR wrote:
  Good one! I laughed so much I cried when you said:
  "I do NOT in any way think I have any personal cause in this lessening of
the number of sellers"
  ...and then exactly 3 sentences later you said of some of the other big
dealers on eBay that
  " I know they would net more money if they consigned those same posters
to me and saved all the overhead they
currently have."
Great stuff. Really. And, c'mon... this is your solution for the other
sellers -- that they should open a store on Ebay and give the Big E even
*more*of their money each month?
  Of course we both know there's a much better solution and surely at this
point I don't have to spell it out... but its initials are M... P... B..."

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