Hi Ralph and all -

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But I advise you not to leave, Ralph.  You are not alone.

** Some of the ideas being spouted since my post and Channing's about
Katrina this morning, are, in my view, ridiculous.  Yes, put the blame for a
natural disaster completely on the shoulders of one man -- the President.
That's so far afield from my rant this morning that I'm ashamed I posted it
publicly.  It was my heartfelt reaction to Channing's marvelous, "fast ball
down the middle of the plate" note.  (BTW, I also like ALL of Kirby
McDaniel's notes thus far about Katrina.  He's a known liberal but has taken
the high road in a persuasive way that people like me are more inclined to
listen and read notes like his and Channing's because they're fair.)  Rudy
obviously comes from the Bush-hating school who believes the response to
Katrina is NOT a SHARED failure.  He believes state and local leaders are
immune to criticism and to state otherwise is, in his words, "cowardly."
Yes, Bush and global warning which caused Katrina.  So unfair.  It's unreal
how much hate for one man can be generated on even these dinky boards.  I am
a fiscal conservative and social liberal, hence I obviously do NOT hate the
President or any person in the Oval Office who can move in without whole
cabinets being shot.

** I intensely dislike the "blame America first" crowd who want to put the
world's problems on this country's doorstep and onto the shoulders of a
single person and his so-called "cronies."  That's from the bitter Oliver
Stone school of pessimism I obviously don't attend.  Half-glass empty people
are not taking advantage the greatness of being alive during their short
time on earth, hence they're a drag at parties, always negative.  Who wants
to go to their graves negative?

** I obviously spend a lot of my time talking politics at other, more
appropriate topic boards.  My criticism of our President was about the
ethereal concept of leadership.  I don't give two s***s about efforts to
connect the dots to Iraq, Karl Rove and the like.  I don't give two s***s
about what the world thinks of America if it's negative.  The President is
NOT the brightest light, knows it, and still makes unpopular decisions.  His
time is running out anyway.  Bush-haters said last Nov. would be the most
important election in history.  They spent more money than ever to dump him,
but they lost anyway because of a confusing message while kissing off the
entire South, forcing them to win 70% of the remaining electorate to take
the White House.  They remain sore losers; they think those who voted for
him are retarded and can't get behind the Oval Office under any
circumstances.  I am in awe of anyone who occupies the Oval Office.  It's a
symbolic thing for me.

** I have friends in the military and in law and in education -- and when
you put faces on these people, you hear many polarizing views.  Bush-haters
do not speak for our all-volunteer military.  2,000 dead is not the same as
50,000 in Vietnam.  The Abu Ghraib scandal is shameful, but it's not like
the My Lai massacre, but you'd believe such comparisons if you read the NY
Times.  I like to hang around "fair-minded" people like the liberal family I
married into who may dislike Bush but still give him credit IF he deserves
it.  I'm appalled the 2004 playbook is still being run against him.  Geez,
the President is NOT on the 2008 ballot and his stamp on America represents
an 8-year chunk out of 230 years of history.  We're too close to predict
what his name will mean in 2055.  He may be the Millard Fillmore of American
history.  Who knows?  But he won't be compared to Hitler and Stalin and Pol
Pot.  That reed of logic and hatred will be forever peddled in pamphlets
handed out in Greenwich Village, with zero impact on people between
Manhattan and Malibu.

** Meanwhile, I chuckle at "fluffhead Gary" returning to these boards after
his ceremonial departure "announcement" earlier this year.  He did exactly
as predicted.  He left, wanted people to know -- but in fact he never did.
I still don't understand such press release announcements.  Leave, go -- or
stay.  To bolster his "thesis," he puts up a link to the most maniacal
mainstream critic of the Oval Office, Paul Krugman of the NY Times, a
pessimistic man who, like Frank Rich, uses condescending euphemisms
predicting disasters of "biblical proportions."  Oh yeah, like that tone is
really going to convert people.

** The politicization of Katrina will continue.  Bush haters, go ahead, keep
railing away, but the train has left the station and you're being dragged
behind it.  Bush is gone in 2008 -- so again, start focusing on solutions
instead of crapping on everything.  Stop running on the "what's bad news for
America is good news for Democrats" playbook.  Cuz in my view, that's a sad
platform upon which to hang your hat.  Hillary isn't playing that card.

** Finally, I was born in a once fascist country that took 3 decades after
1945 to find democracy AND to become an economic power.  Suicide terrorists
aren't the same as WWII soldiers running under a losing flag, but pockets of
resistance in the Japanese and German empires remained for a good five to
seven years, enabling contemporaneous "pundits" to forecast eternal doom and
gloom.  The quick fix pundits of 2005 are doing the same, still using words
like "quagmire" and pi****g on the Iraqi elections and the effort to ratify
a new constitution.  Without America's help, Japan would be nothing today.
American forces still haven't left Japan completely.  Yet eight of 10
Japanese in a July 2005 Kyodo-Associated Press poll in still admire America.
 Seven of 10 Americans feel the same about Japan.  I really believe if you
are born elsewhere and come here to live, you feel a little different about
America's greatness.  When people see me, I don't "appear" like an obvious
American.  But it's my country and I don't like it being torn down unfairly.
 So s*** on it all you want and s*** on its leader, but I'm not changing my

** That's it from me about THIS subject.  When this Katrina stuff settles
down, I can't wait to talk about movies again.


----Original Message Follows----

From: Ralph Plumb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Ralph Plumb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:03:01 -0400

This latest batch of postings from the liberal gang is too much for me to
take. I tried unsuccessfully to unsubscribe but mail was returned. I used
the instructions shown at the bottom of all emails but it did not work.
Please either unsubscribe me or furnish me with instructions on how to do
Ralph Plumb

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