They don't have vast amounts of disposable income per person, not compared to America and Europe. And that's the key to collecting stuff, lots of disposable income that you don't have to use to live on. I'm not saying there are no collectors in the 3rd world, but the number must be very small compared to America and  Europe (and places like Australia and Japan).
The actual sales we see taking place on eBay (sales, not listings that don't sell), the various auctions and best-guesses for private sellers, based on what they say in public, indicates to me that not much more than 100,000 movie posters are sold on average per year. Subtract at least 20,000 from that number for the occasional buyer who usually purchases a poster for a new film (but likely doesn't keep it more than a year or two before moving on to something else) and that leaves 80,000 going into the hands of "collectors" (based on the 4 or more per year definition). That would mean 20,000 "collectors" -- except that a lot of collectors buy a *whole lot* more than 4 per year. So, I have to conclude that the best guess would be a maximum of 10,000 active collectors at any given time.
If there were anything close to 100,000 active collectors out there, we would see a whole lot more posters being sold.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Neal
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 4:33
Subject: Re: [MOPO] How many poster collectors are there?


China, India and Europe are not 3rd world countries, they have Vasts amounts
of wealth!!!!!

World  6,446,131,400

China  1,306,313,812
India  1,080,264,388
European Union  456,953,258
United States  295,734,134

So what you are saying doesn't really make sense and therefore I have every
reason to have an opinion based on world population.

As i said this is my opinion


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: [MOPO] How many poster collectors are there?
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 18:18:49 -0500

No way. The nearly 7 billion people live mostly in the impoverished 3rd
world -- they don't money to live on, much less spend on movie posters. You
can't use the world population as a guide. The only practical approach is to
go with the evaluations of long-time dealers -- they are the ones with the
best feel for the market. I'd guess somewhere between Bruce's 5,000 and an
upper estimate of 10,000 collectors are active at any given time (meaning
those who buy at least 4 posters a year). Of course, people drift in and out
of collecting. I've drifted in and out 4 times in the past 40 years,
sometimes staying away for as long as 10 years. But I think if there were
more than 10,000 currently active buyers that we'd see a lot more sales. At
4 per year, that's a minimum 40,000 posters sold just to "collectors" --
with the number probably closed to 60,000 - 80,000 a year (since 4 per year
would be a minimum and many collectors do much more than that). Then there
are at least another 20,000 "contemporary" posters sold to casual buyers who
just want to have a poster or two from their current favorite films to
display. So, that's 60,000 to 100,000 posters sold a year -- about what I
seem to see changing hands on eBay and other auctions, plus factoring in
some private selling. Of course, we have no real way of gauging how much
private selling is going on.

-- JR

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Neal
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:49
Subject: Re: [MOPO] How many poster collectors are there?

I think David is the warmest to the figures mentioned so far....

The World population is approx 6.4 Billion

I would estimate at least 50,000+ serious and casual collectors.

If I had to put a bet on it, I would say more like 100,000. You only have to
look on ebay to see how many dealers and the number they are trading in -
Their feedback scores are a giveaway.

I am certain there are many many collectors (serious and casual) that need
to come out of their shell, many won't like using mailing lists or forums,
or just may not know about them.

I'm not claiming to know something that everyone else doesn't here, this is
just my humble opinion and this is purely food for thought.

I would be interested in seeing ebays stats on individual original movie
poster purchases.

This is an interesting link on the CIA website regarding world


----Original Message Follows----
From: David Lieberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] How many poster collectors are there?
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 18:41:23 EST

I'd say 10,000 at least. Probably more like 20,000, or even much  more.

Might as well ask how many licks it takes to get to the center of a  tootsie
roll tootsie pop.

The world will never know.

David  Lieberman
602 309 0500

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