I thought it was terrific. The usual nitpicking will go on from all
those souls who can't stand to see a beloved  "classic" remade and were
waiting in ambush to find as much fault as they could to justify their
pre-conceived notions.

I think the aspect of the attitude of so many of these folks I find
strange is the absolute venom with which they spit it out.

The other thing is that it's not "cool" to like something big and

It's just another form of elitism from the old fart fan boy brigade.

Go see it, have a good time. It's a movie.


JR wrote:

OK, after a year of waiting, I saw Peter Jackson's version of KING
KONG the other night... 3 hours never went by so fast. I have mixed
reactions, but it is *definitely* something that must be seen on the
big screen with the big surround-sound systems. I'll hold off on a
full review for another week to give y'all a chance to check it out.

-- JR

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