I guess this has a lot to do with how you were brought up and your
views on homosexuality.  If you are a man who finds it "disgusting"
to see two men kiss IN ANY CONTEXT, then certainly you should not see
this movie.  But if there is some kind of thought in your head that
this is some kind of gay "porno" movie, then you have been sadly misinformed.

Another director Anthony Minghella made two movies with a similar
"unrequited love" theme, Cold Mountain, and The English Patient, and
in both cases you could easily re-cast the lead woman's role with a
man, and the movies would be little changed, except for a few brief
love scenes that would now be repellent to some of you, but the rest
of the movie would essentially be the same.  Incidentally, I am not
particularly a fan of either of these movies, in large part due to
their glacial pacing.

Are some of you unaware that Hollywood has been making lots of "gay"
themed movies for many, many years, but until recently they usually
had to re-cast one of the leads as a woman (or make the male leads
just "best friends") to make those movies acceptable to mainstream
"straight" audiences.  Think of "Of Human Bondage" or "Midnight
Cowboy".  Does knowing the writers of these movies were writing about
gay people make them any less great movies?

Like Kirby I have not seen Brokeback Mountain yet, but I will travel
quite a distance to see it in a theater (my tiny town in the middle
of the Bible Belt will never air it).  Ang Lee is surely one of the
finest directors alive, and if you want to see two really incredible
movies, watch Eat Drink Man Woman and The Wedding Banquet (oh wait,
two of the main characters in that one are gay, so I guess you should
forget Wedding Banquet).

I find it strange that some people can say, I would never see
Brokeback Mountain due to its theme, and at the same time be fans of
gore movies or slasher movies or cannibal movies (come to think of
it, maybe that isn't very strange).


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