OK, with all the Tarantino bashing going on, I have to pipe up...

Sure, he make have taken bits and pieces liberally from other sources.  But,
literally, every piece of entertainment, literature, etc... is stolen (to
some degree) from some earlier work.  No author was ever born an author -
they learned to become a writer by reading (and expanding on) earlier works.
Look at the plot of every single romanic comedy you've ever seen - you'll
notice that they are all eerily identical.  How many times have you seen
Pygmalion on screen?  Hollywood likes to remake that one twice a week.  In
fact, the story for almost every movie you see is identical to almost every
other one (in the broader sense).  Tarantino deserves our respect because
what he stole, he made a hundred times better!  How often does that happen
in Hollywood?

And, I guarantee you, decades from now when we look back on the greatest
films ever made, Pulp Fiction will be right up there with Citizen Kane and



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