<"I'm also thankful *I* am the one deciding what I watch, and not someone who 
thinks *they* know what's good or bad.
If it's offensive don't watch. ">

And though I couldn't accept a year's screen pass to sit through "Hostel" or 
any of its ilk, I agree with Erik 1000%!!!

Joe B.

PS-- For what it's worth department:  We feared that, due to pressure from a 
particularly meddlesome preacher (remember "Becket?"), that Wichita Falls, TX, 
would not show "Brokeback Mountain"-- despite the fact that Larry McMurtry 
(producer/writer) is from thirty miles away-- Archer City, TX-- location .  But 
it will open at the new Cinemark Theatre on Friday.
"Hostel" is already playing.

> From: Erik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/01/17 Tue PM 04:56:48 EST
> I was in attendance at a screening with Eli Roth in Texas not to long ago, 
> and while I didn't care for Hostel (or Roth's work in general) I for one am 
> thankful that hard-core (not in the pornographic sense that many attatch to 
> the word) horror is making a comeback.
> I cut my teeth on the Golden Age of Slasher Films during the late 70's to the 
> mid 80's and as of late, the genre has become so PC, watered-down and 
> weak-kneed by catering to the PG-13 teeny-bopper crowd (as the recent glut of 
> crap with Kevin Williamson's name attached to it attests) that I thank my 
> bloody stars that a film like Hostel is even seeing the light of day, much 
> less getting national distribution. This is nothing more then a drive-in 
> flick at best, and it's #1 opening was a welcome sight to this ol' 
> gorehound's jaded retinas.
> I'm not delving into the "bad movies/bad tv debate" as it's pointless here. 
> I'm outnumbered and will surely get trounced by those with more time (and by 
> those much wordier then I) to make their case.
> I'm also thankful *I* am the one deciding what I watch, and not someone who 
> thinks *they* know what's good or bad.
> If it's offensive don't watch.
> Cheers,
> Erik
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