Bravo Michael!  I loved your post.  We've all been through it and learn from our mistakes.  What never seizes to amaze me is how dealers working in this field for many years don't know the difference between a one sheet and an insert, a US vs. foreign, and a re-release vs. an original. 
I collect mainly best picture winners and Disney one sheets and am at a snag because I am down to the early 1930s and the cost at auction is the equivalent of a house note.  But still, I've posted a want list from time to time and gotten responses offering British Quads or French one sheet "originals" for more than the US originals are going at auction.  We learn to very quickly hit the delete key when certain dealers names show up.
Congrats on your Lost Horizon one sheet.  I had trouble finding that one until I used a magnifying glass to read the sma! ll print in "Movie Collector's World."  I also had success with Freeman and a woman named Mahtab who hasn't been around in a while unless she changed her log on ID.
Don't give up posting your want list.  It's free and if anything you'll get a laugh out of the responses. 
On another note, my first poster was given to me by the theater manager.  It's a one sheet from the Graduate which I put on my older sister's wall the day of her high school graduation.  I ruined it by writing with marker, "Congratulations Arlene!"  The first poster I bought was from the Sound of Music because it was and still is my favorite movie. 

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