And now that you've used the MOPO public forum to discuss what up until now has been a private exchange between us, you might want to rethink your diatribe. I have no idea what set you off, but you've obviously and totally misconstrued my original post.

Foggy Bottom is one of Washington's oldest neighborhoods, thought to have been named because, as a low-lying area, fog  tended to concentrate there. "Foggy Bottom" is often used as a description for the State Department, headquartered in the neighborhood.

I try not to get involved in internecine MOPO back and forth, and maintain good relations with MOPOers everywhere, except, of course, for those usual scalawags Freeman, Kirby, Rich, Todd etc.  - and in case you misconstrue that, it's tongue-in-cheek.

I've never had any contact with you before, and hope to continue that in the future.

The Poster Mint
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