This was a good question and I am glad to hear others feelings on this.  I myself am sitting on the wall with really nowhere to go.  I deal primarily in lower end material with none of the great A titles many of you have to offer.  I am a hobbyist who does this around a normal day job and family.  I don't have the luxury of shows and events here in San Antonio to set up in.  I don't have the time to build and maintain a website and I don't have a physical storefront to sell from.  I did my selling for 9 years through auctions on ebay before switching to 10% auctions and 90% ebay store.  I was just breaking even with the auction only by the time I decided to migrate to the store method.  At 2 cents a post I was making some money again and was working to get my store up to 10,000 to 12,000 items.  Sales were enough to pay for this and give me money to continue buying for myself and resale.  This increase just has me worried.  I don't want to increase my prices to try to balance things because that will scare buyers away.  This is getting to be the season when things normally pick up for me so I guess the next 4 or 5 months will give me the direction I need.  I just hope I don't fall of this wall in the meantime.
Rick   (ilovefilms)
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