<"By the way, the rest of you people in the other 49 states, please --  NEVER 
vote for anyone from Texas again, will ya?">
  I didn't the  last two times (but did when LBJ was around and it was my first 
  And I SWEAH on a stack of Bibles that I will NEVER do it.  NEVER!!
  PS-- Happy Fourth to all anyway.

Kirby McDaniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I don't know.  I'll go out on a limb, though, and say that I  can't remember 
a really good film about the American Revolution.
  There have been some bad ones.  THE PATRIOT was certainly abysmal, a cartoon
  if there ever was one.  REVOLUTION was pitiful.   I think there
  may have been some films set in the period which were OK.  I liked
  JOHNNY TREMAIN as a kid.  I have not seen that in years.

  Am I missing something?

  Here in Texas, (where it's raining like hell on this
  fourth) we have at least four or five versions of
  THE ALAMO, the war for Texas independence.  That's
  a neat story, all tied up with a bow.  That American
  Revolution thing is all dreary, with people cold and starving,
  crossing the Delaware River, big whupp, Paul Revere's ride etc etc.
  All episodic with no punch.  Sounds like a better HBO series than a film.

  By the way, the rest of you people in the other 49 states, please --
  NEVER vote for anyone from Texas again, will ya?

  Kirby McDaniel

    On Jul 4, 2007, at 3:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  To all our American pals here on MOPO, have a good July 4th.

"Down the British."

"No taxation without representation."

Two quotes one film tied in with celebrating the revolution...which film?


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