Doug all the rates are at to ship BULK rate priority mail IN USA is 12.95 39.00 is Bulk to many Urope using flat rate international Priority.. I jsu shipped to Japan it was 49.00 and to Montreal 49.00 the biggest differance is Under 4 lbs it can go 1st class letterpost However you dont get insureance or tracking// If thats needed then express mail is best as its trackable an insureable all inclusive. Also domestically fed ex ground would be about 10.00 or under for 50 stills/. I would guess thats like 5 -10 lbs with stuffing and all.
This does not seem like a fiar charge in my opinion.

Sue on the other hand sounds like shes got a great rate ! go Sue!

best, TOM

Douglas Ball wrote:

This is to all the dealers/sellers.
What would you charge to send 50 loose 8x10 stills Priority mail to Columbus, Ohio? The reason for asking, I won that many from a seller and that seller is wanting to charge $39.00. There is not suppose to be a handling charge, just shipping. Also, this package is being shipped from the middle of the country. I just receive 2- 27x41 frames from Sue and her charge (FedEx) was only $30. and of course , in a very large box. I know that postage is getting out of hand, but I think some sellers are trying to capitalize on the situation...any thoughts? Thanks in advance,
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