i thought you were going to tell us that your relatives liberated paris... all by themselves!! lol


On Jun 20, 2008, at 8:30 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

My family and my ex -wifes dad participated in ww1 and wwll

My father - Tom Marotta was a US MARINE From New York state , My Granfather from Bermuda

was in WW 1 I think was considered UK as Bermuda was governed By UK.. Matter of Fact The

siiters of my Mom 3 of them Married US ww2 military men One from the Us Navy , One from the airforce and one from the Army My exes Dad Capt Gustav Goransson was a merchant Marine from Sweden and fought in the battle of Murmansk see story at this link: http://www.kittyboxers.com/portcitiesPG3.html and was one of the few surviving ships left.. he was a gunner on the ship so It appears my entire family was in the war ,, and the sisters met the miitary men at the USO dances
they held in Bermuda as it was a base and port for many ships.
Its amazeing they survived.. My family came to USA in 1947 by special permission from the govenor of Bermua.. They ended in Toled as several of the serviemen where from Toledo.

Richard Evans wrote:
It's been very interesting reading these posts.
I started considering the ages of the WWII survivors and my mind turned to the veterans of WWI, fast disappearing and who I also think also deserve a little thought. I believe this is accurate for those who saw active service, though inevitably, it won't be for very long.
The sole American survivor is Frank Woodruff Buckles, aged 107.
Two British survive, Harry Patch aged 109, and Henry Allingham aged 112, (Europe's oldest man). The last man will receive a state memorial service, intended to honour all those who served. The last Australian survivor of WW1, William Evan Allan died in 2005 aged 106. (He joined up in 1914, aged only 14). The last Turkish veteran of the Great War, Yakup Satar died aged 110 in April. France's last survivor of WWI, Lazare Ponticelli, (an Italian who chose to fight for the French), died aged 110 in March. Dr. Erich Kästner, is believed to be the last German veteran, (there was little media attention), he died aged 107 in March.

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