If you can't talk politics and religion with your friends without jeopardising 
the friendship, then one might want to think about what defines "freindship".

Last time I looked, and looked back, firends were able to agree to disagree and 
remain freinds.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dale Dilts 
  Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 10:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Mopo- Posters - enconomy- Polotics- Future _ perspective

  General socializing rules here... never talk religion or politics if you want 
to keep friends.

  From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of McDaniel Kirby
  Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Mopo- Posters - enconomy- Polotics- Future _ perspective

  Let's get politics off of MOPO.  Now. 


  On Oct 12, 2008, at 418PM, Freedom Lover wrote:

    What needs to happen, Tom, is that those who made purchases they couldn't 
afford should lose their credit and go into foreclosure.  People who bit off 
more than they could chew have to hold themselves responsible for their own 
foolishness.  What about those of us who worked our tails off for years, didn't 
screw up, and now have the American Dream?  Should WE be made responsible for 
the failures of others who made irresponsible choices?  Should WE be penalized 
for doing it right? 
    Should we give up OUR reward and say, well, it's not the people's fault.  
It's the mortgage company's fault?  Sorry, Tom, not me.  It takes two to tango. 
 Whoever f**ked up gets to clean up, IMO.

    We have corrupt politicians, and lazy greedy citizens who have that 'gimme 
gimme' attitude.  Many act as if they're entitled!  I ask you, IN WHAT LIFE?   
At least McCain will hurt the responsible guys less and hold the losers more 

    The exceptions to the rule:  
    1.Those who lost everything due to medical bills and illnesses.  THEY 
should be helped out out of compassion.  They didn't do anything wrong or 
    2. Veterans - You risk your life for me; I owe you and am grateful.  
    3. Weather - People should be helped to rebuild, but NOT in the same 
questionable area.

    (IMO, if BO wanted to be POTUS, he'd have offered veep to Hillary eons ago. 
 This proves to me, it wasn't about doing what's best for America.  It was 
about his ego and lust for power.)  With McCain, we still might not drill and 
I'm working with many groups to fend that off.  Doesn't matter what Palin 
wants.  With Barack, we still MAY drill, because he can pushed.  If Bush 
couldn't overturn Roe v. Wade, then it's not an issue.

    I'm an avid environmentalist, but I'm more into morality than anything 
else.  McCain is simply more honorable and his love for America is obvious.  My 
groups and I will simply work around him.

    I am done speaking about politics on MoPo.  It's the one place Barack Obama 
can't shove his face in my space!  Please let's keep them off our sacred site.  
Perusing posters is one of my ways to relax.  

    Sorry for the inconvenience everyone.  Please return to having a lovely day.

    On Oct 12, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Tom Martin wrote:

      Andrea-  regardless of our opinions on who did what,,,  I suggest that we 
all work together,,,

      In case you dont agree all the politictions of skeletons in the closet,,, 
Like the Palin stuff....

      the TV show host tells people to sell ( Kramer)  and so is that fact?

      I think we need to band together democrats and republicans and Americans 
alike to solve th USA woes.

      BOTH parties are Guilty of Mud-slinging... and lies... and if we tear 
each other apart or On Mopo

      not relize that the economy and the world eventa are not a big part of 
the effect on our business and lives

      then we miss the entire point,

      Andrea.. to say im Rude is dissapointing...  this is serious stuff and 
this next month will have a great effect on your and my Life and Mopos business 
people and collectors.

      The current Crisis has nothing to do with Hillary,,,,, matter of fact 
what I propose is instead of name calling and basically each side destroying 
the other, we see that as a country we need to get on track and do something,,
      As for tax the crap out of anyone... Ive been listening and  anyone that 
makes 250K or less will not see a change  and will actually get a reduction..
      As for people that spend 1000's on this Hobby if it is only a samll elite 
segment that is in that Bracket of over 250 a year , I have to saide with the 
middle class that is the foundation of all purchasing of the Big Box stores,

      To make nasty, sarcastic, derogatory  remarks about the voteing and to 
mis-align and  make acusations
      and summery judgement about any of these political people is the problem 
and why we in my opinion are floundering.
      Ive listened to Your opinion Andrea on many topics on the list and never 
to my knowledge called you Rude
      or  spoke with disrespect.
      I have made my comments from a personal perspects to provoke thought , 
and positive results for all.
      I disagree with You..
      I made my comments based on my respect for all mankind,, and everyone and 
because I would like to see
      the country get some balance  and the world also get some balance.
       If Both partys would focus on solutions instead of tearing each other 
credentials apart .. we may get some balnce.. either party can also start 
working together once we get a new president.
      the anger and name calling and mud slinging is what is making the race 
confusing to all the voters,

      accusatins.. and all this  propoganda.. ffrom either side,... is Not good 
for anyone.

      I wont speak about this politicle anymore  - I was just excited as Brack 
will be here 4 days and  I thought

      it was interesting. OHIO is the 6th hardest hit in unemployment in USA 
also in Mortgage loss.

      So this is a important time because we will all be effectly greatly in 
the next month!!

      This week will be very volitile in the market...

      all the best to You Andrea.

      best, Tom

      Freedom Lover wrote:

        Part of my coming to MoPo is to escape the bs from the Dems, ACORN, and 
the creep they selected to be the US Puppet.  His kind of change will tax the 
crap out of the people who spend thousands of dollars on this hobby, Tom! 

        Since I kept my passion for Hillary off MoPo this WHOLE TIME out of 
respect for all of you, I expect the same.  Tom, if you feel that strongly, use 
one of his quotes at your sign-off, like I do.  But have the respect to NOT put 
him in the body of your message, as I often read what you have to say and don't 
need that fool in my face on a lovely Sunday morning!!!  That was RUDE!

        If you need to vote, he has plenty extra names you can use that he 
pretends to not know about.  Better yet, email ACORN and they'll send you a 
whole city block of names. Don't forget, they take pets and corpses, too!


        On Oct 12, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Tom Martin wrote:

          Hello Mopo- Thought I would give a veiw from what I have seen in last 
year as far as whats happening

          in many sectors of our business

          I started in 1977 and have seen several shake outs as far as 
recessions.  Movie memorabilia and collectables,

          or diversions have typically been a refuge or escape for people 
during rough times. Vintage material seems

          to be pretty safe as investment however high ticket items can soften 
as people have less money. The wealthy

          it appears however are being hurt this round as they invested in 
stock market and portfolios that were in mutual funds.

          As far as assets the real estate seems to have been  a fluffed up 
investment loseing 30-60% value in the last year.

          My House ( bought from Leyman bros.. was bought at 115K and is worth 
at monent would guess..  80 k and was financed

          at 8.5 at 30 years fixed.  Not a brilliant investment and  only grace 
was it was  zero down.

          Politically - Barack Obama is going to be here-( Toledo, Ohio) for 4 
days at the maumee state park resort giving a speech tommorrow and he will 
prepare for the last debate. here

          I was at 1st for Barack and  then I became confused as Both sides 
presented great arguments and also

          they both cast doubt on each others abilitys,, But this last week 
when McCain defended Barack and said

          we need not be afraid that hes a good honest man, I relized that they 
both were  brave to want to lead this country and that it actually would be 
great if they worked together to achieve unity and to fix the Usa
          economic woes. They can as tey are both senators even after the race 
in over so they can help each other.

          So either way it turns out they should work together as Both has a 
passion for this country. For me Barack has

          endured so many attacks on his Faith, his color, his family history, 
his past association with people

          and the radical in question seemd to be a anti veitnam war radical.

          well back in the 60's the hippies and people that wanted the war to 
stop,, where considered radicals.. But

          they wanted the killing to stop...At Kent state university in OHIO  4 
-protesters where shot and killed by

          Ohio Gaurd troops because they stood up and  rebelled.. against the 
WAR .. so Did the people at the Boston tea party... and

          the entire USA was founded by Rebels that wanted to have thier own 
country. The country is a melting POT

          of every religion, and culture and ethnic group.  That is why we have 
so much diversity.  If you look historically in so many areas like engineering, 
and creative areas we have been a merger of all countrys
          and all peoples... Not one but all...( One nation , with Liberty and 
Justice for ALL) Look at the space program NASA, entertainment, autos, 

          heck Ebay, computers , medical..aircraft, Foods, telecommunication//  
 we have been leaders and innovators in all sectors along with allies in other 

          I see it as we just need to see that its time that the world come 
together as we will clearly see this week we are all

          linked by a financial, energy  and  ecology and dependence on each 
other that is a good thing.. because sure there are some with

          differances in how to live but that has  been since age of time. We 
now have the ability to communicate and work

          together in a way never before seen and have the technology to 
correct the worlds issues if we work in a unified  world  that would address 
health care on a global level. peace on a global level.

          The recent events and the financial meltdown prove that we all need 
each other globally .. and that greed does not work. PERIOD.

          If we find new energy solutions in wind and solar ( Toledos Xunlight 
is the world leader and also First Solar)

          So we can make a differance, we can make a change  and if we do as 
our forefathers did and to get to work

          and forge ahead we will survive any clamity either man-made or by 

          So.... In summery --- I missed getting registared to vote.... as I 
was so damn undecided.... and i was frustrated.... so yesterday

          I thought what can I do to help?  well... I thought Ill get some 
signs and go to the rally monday..

          well went there and it was two blocks of people waiting...... so I 
came home... and thought.... well I could donate some items like a megaphone, 
clapper and clock.... and maybe that would inspire  Barack to see some support

          and would give him and the campaign crew some fun.. So I hopped in 
the Car and went to the headquarters  and said

          well heres some stuff all MADE IN USA in TOLEDO , OHIO ... and 
where's the  yard  signs?? they were out of signs... and out of tickets to the 
rally.....  so I at least tryed... and  perhaps

          if we all just do what we can  no matter how small maybe we will get 

          I feel so lucky to be able to  have a business and a chance to pursue 
the american dream.  I wish everyone on Mopo health and peace and success.


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