Like I have said before.  I have had nothing but great service from Chris in 
the past. This last order took a little long to get but with the exception of 
the one poster (WHICH HE HAS AGREED TO FIX), his restorations and linen backing 
has been top notch since I started using him.  His responses to my emails have 
always been quick (some people if you don't respond in 20 minutes are upset) to 
me and he has always addressed the issues or questions I have before I have 
sent my posters to him.  I don't know about the issues other people but I have 
had with Chris but he has never been anything but 100% professional to me.

I will contiune to use Chris in the future.


>>> Patrick Michael Tupy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/28/2008 12:07:16 PM >>>
Well played, Sue.  You have always been fair and fair-minded to both  
sides and Chris Cloutier's transgressions
are clearly egregious enough to warrant removing his link from your  
page.   I know you are not someone who
would support such poor behavior nor would you deserve any guilt by  

Thanks to Andrea, et al for their 'Head's Up' on this hack human.  We  
do not need to encourage nor excuse
such unprofessional and detestable behavior.

In all things, be better...


On Oct 28, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Susan Heim wrote:

> Hello All,
>    I have Posterfix listed as a link on my website. I have had  
> customers over the years send me posters that Chris had restored  
> and hadn't ever heard anything negative about his business. When  
> Andrea asked me about him as a potential source for linenbacking, I  
> told her my experiences and that was that. However, with the  
> history in this hobby of certain linenbacker/restorers and then not  
> getting responses to emails, I can understand her worries. When one  
> promises a product by a certain time and doesn't deliver, the  
> customer has every right to inquire. Andrea has forwarded to me the  
> emails she and Chris exchanged. So, I have seen both sides of the  
> emails.   I have to say that I am flabbergasted. The comments from  
> Chris were so despicable and rude that there is no explanation or  
> excuse that could be given. I know to some it might not matter so  
> much anymore in our culture, but this is not just a business  
> speaking to a customer, this is a man speaking to a woman. The  
> language and names he called her were so vile and, in my opinion,   
> totally  unwarranted based on her inquiries.
>       I know that business owners sometimes see customers as pains  
> in the rear end. Some are, and I am not of the mind that the  
> "customer is always right", but the customer, in this case, paid  
> for the product and has a right to expect certain results, not  
> conduct and language that I saw in these emails. I am immediately  
> removing his link from my website.
> Sue
> (800) 463-2994
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