Hello All,
   I have Posterfix listed as a link on my website. I have had customers over 
the years send me posters that Chris had restored and hadn't ever heard 
anything negative about his business. When Andrea asked me about him as a 
potential source for linenbacking, I told her my experiences and that was that. 
However, with the history in this hobby of certain linenbacker/restorers and 
then not getting responses to emails, I can understand her worries. When one 
promises a product by a certain time and doesn't deliver, the customer has 
every right to inquire. Andrea has forwarded to me the emails she and Chris 
exchanged. So, I have seen both sides of the emails.   I have to say that I am 
flabbergasted. The comments from Chris were so despicable and rude that there 
is no explanation or excuse that could be given. I know to some it might not 
matter so much anymore in our culture, but this is not just a business speaking 
to a customer, this is a man speaking to a woman. The language and names he 
called her were so vile and, in my opinion,  totally  unwarranted based on her 
      I know that business owners sometimes see customers as pains in the rear 
end. Some are, and I am not of the mind that the "customer is always right", 
but the customer, in this case, paid for the product and has a right to expect 
certain results, not conduct and language that I saw in these emails. I am 
immediately removing his link from my website.
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