At 04:20 PM 3/15/2009, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:
the past 2 years, the fire marshall has shut down entry until other attendees left. so last year on Saturday, several thousand people who had waited on line for 6 hours to buy a ticket & get in couldn't buy a ticket & never got inside to the show. Crap like that is unacceptable as a business practice

Two years ago, the Fire Marshall had the convention stop selling
memberships for 60-90 minutes on Saturday early afternoon, until he could
assertain if everyone in line could get in without it being a fire hazard. They
decided they could and the sale of memberships was restarted.  There
was no such stoppage last year that I'm aware of.

But Richard is definitely right that the show has changed a great deal since
the old days of the El Cortez or even the old Convention Center.  It's not
nearly the fun it used to be.


Craig Miller        Wolfmill Entertainment

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