they're toast

At 12:05 PM 12/26/2009, Bruce Hershenson wrote:
Stop sugarcoating, Rich. Tesll us what you REALLY feel about eBay!

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art <<>> wrote:
fleaBay is toast

do you folks realize what a shadow of it's former self that site is today??

in posters>original>us: fleaBay has about 5000 posters listed daily. if you remove the posters that are not true auctions because they are priced at retail or higher (making them set sale items) you may have 1000 auctions. Bruce sells more vintage posters each week than fleaBay has listed as real auctions and surely, only a portion of the fleaBay listings sell.

I sell about 300 posters a week through my true auctions and Heritage sells about 400. Those 700 posters (combined) may be more posters than are sold via fleaBay auctions each week..

fleaBay has Universal horror forgeries and Pulp Fiction bootlegs. Star Wars bootlegs, minty whites, hairy belts and hairy backs. There are Portal reprints being sold as originals by people who know better which begs the question: why hasn't anyone listed some of the repros from MovieGoods and others as real posters yet?

You have fake props, fake art prints, fake Gucci bags, fake perfumes and colognes, fake designer clothing.

Bruce got $580 for a Pulp Fiction regular a few weeks back.. How much would all PF posters be worth if not for the bootlegs?? our own Alan Adler has a CFTBL one sheet listed (on linen) for $8500 and there are no takers!!

These issues are in every category. S2 Art was complaining they constantly contact fleaBay about their art print reproductionss being sold as original prints (it's a real surprise we took so long to figure that out) and in comic art there is constantly some fake being offered or something being sold as original when it is not. A phony Frazetta sketch was being sold that we believe is traced back to Frazetta Jr (who is now being charged with b&e into the family museum & attempting to steal 90 paintings)

they have fake props (items bought at used stores, and marked as Western Clothing etc)
fake antique furniture (commercial reproductions sold as originals)
fake dvd's from China

fleaBay has known it is a clearing house for thieves for a very long time and without the lawsuits that have been filed by France, Sweden, Italy and other countries (yes, countries and not people) can you imagine how many phony Gucci bags would be for sale??

The buyers have been leaving fleaBay for years and will continue to do so until even sellers like Sean, Dave and Marty who run real auctions, eventually leave as well due to falling sales figures and eventually the site will be sold to Google or Microshaft to integrate with their own systems. But each day it becomes more useless in general.

recently I bought many unsold window cards that were listed on fleaBay to flesh out my great wc auction of 2 weeks back.. I sold every one and made money on every one. But the other dealers couldn't sell them at lower prices than I got on fleaBay, which is proof all by itself how useless the site has become.

of course.... I am definitely not complaining

: - )

ps.. I said fleaBay 11 times in this post

At 07:04 AM 12/26/2009, Claude Litton wrote:
This is one of the two major problems with ebay and ebay is too stupid to recognize what this has done to the collectibles market. By making it virtually impossible to contact other people, they prevent righteous persons from warning others of fraud or mistakes. It also does not allow us to uncover shill bidding by sellers. These have definitely put a serious dent into the poster market and no doubt, into other antique items. Ebay is too preoccupied with making money and "protecting" itself against off-ebay transactions. I believe it has cut down on transactions and the profit margin as well, but they can't measure this and therefore they wont remedy it.


In a message dated 12/26/2009 8:52:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, <> writes:
Thanks, Lumi,

I guess that supports the old adage that if something appears too good to be true, it is indeed.. too good to be true. Let's just hope that some newby collector doesn't get suckered in by this guy...

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