but is it truth and justice?

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Tom Martin <
dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote:

>  Toast  as in English Muffin??  Im english muffin I bet,,,,,,,
> damn...... I was just getting the hang of it....
> But Rich... You said you bought the window cards on ebay.. so there are
> still buyers there
> like you..... and the guy that had the window cards must be happ he sold
> them?? yes?
> and you re-selling  and making a profit   is the american way...yes?
> happy 2010
> Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:
> they're toast
> At 12:05 PM 12/26/2009, Bruce Hershenson wrote:
> Stop sugarcoating, Rich. Tesll us what you *REALLY* feel about eBay!
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art <
> sa...@comic-art.com> wrote:
>  fleaBay is toast
> do you folks realize what a shadow of it's former self that site is today??
> in posters>original>us: fleaBay has about 5000 posters listed daily. if you
> remove the posters that are not true auctions because they are priced at
> retail or higher (making them set sale items) you may have 1000 auctions.
> Bruce sells more vintage posters each week than fleaBay has listed as real
> auctions and surely, only a portion of the fleaBay listings sell.
> I sell about 300 posters a week through my true auctions and Heritage sells
> about 400. Those 700 posters (combined) may be  more posters than are sold
> via  fleaBay auctions each week..
> fleaBay has Universal horror forgeries and Pulp Fiction bootlegs. Star Wars
> bootlegs, minty whites, hairy belts and hairy backs. There are Portal
> reprints being sold as originals by people who know better which begs the
> question: why hasn't anyone listed some of the repros from MovieGoods and
> others as real posters yet?
> You have fake props, fake art prints, fake Gucci bags, fake perfumes and
> colognes, fake designer clothing.
> Bruce got $580 for a Pulp Fiction regular a few weeks back.. How much would
> all PF posters be worth if not for the bootlegs??
> our own Alan Adler has a CFTBL one sheet listed (on linen) for $8500 and
> there are no takers!!
> These issues are in every category. S2 Art was complaining they constantly
> contact fleaBay about their art print reproductionss being sold as original
> prints (it's a real surprise we took so long to figure that out) and in
> comic art there is constantly some fake being offered or something being
> sold as original when it is not. A phony Frazetta sketch was being sold that
> we believe is traced back to Frazetta Jr (who is now being charged with b&e
> into the family museum & attempting to steal 90 paintings)
> they have fake props (items bought at used stores, and marked as Western
> Clothing etc)
> fake antique furniture (commercial reproductions sold as originals)
> fake dvd's from China
> fleaBay has known it is a clearing house for thieves for a very long time
> and without the lawsuits that have been filed by France, Sweden, Italy and
> other countries (yes, countries and not people) can you imagine how many
> phony Gucci bags would be for sale??
> The buyers have been leaving fleaBay for years and will continue to do so
> until even sellers like Sean, Dave and Marty  who run real auctions,
> eventually leave as well due to falling sales figures and eventually the
> site will be sold to Google or Microshaft to integrate with their own
> systems. But each day it becomes more useless in general.
> recently I bought many unsold window cards that were listed on fleaBay to
> flesh out my great wc auction of 2 weeks back.. I sold every one and made
> money on every one. But the other dealers couldn't sell them at lower prices
> than I got on fleaBay, which is proof all by itself how useless the site has
> become.
> of course.... I am definitely not complaining
> : - )
> ps.. I said fleaBay 11 times in this post
> At 07:04 AM 12/26/2009, Claude Litton wrote:
> This is one of the two major problems with ebay and ebay is too stupid to
> recognize what this has done to the collectibles market.  By making it
> virtually impossible to contact other people, they prevent righteous persons
> from warning others of fraud or mistakes.  It also does not allow us to
> uncover shill bidding by sellers.  These have definitely put a serious dent
> into the poster market and no doubt, into other antique items.  Ebay is too
> preoccupied with making money and "protecting" itself against off-ebay
> transactions.  I believe it has cut down on transactions and the profit
> margin as well, but they can't measure this and therefore they wont remedy
> it.
> In a message dated 12/26/2009 8:52:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> rixpost...@aol.com writes:  Thanks, Lumi,     I guess that supports the
> old adage that if something appears too good to be true, it is indeed.. too
> good to be true.  Let's just hope that some newby collector doesn't get
> suckered in by this guy...
> Rick
> http://cgi.ebay.com/DR-NO-Original-Movie-Poster-JAMES-BOND-007_W0QQitemZ150393635820QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item230428c3ec
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