
that's because his defense is teh defense of a thief..

first he says he sold me all kinds of stuff, BUT HE NEVER SOLD ME ANYTHING
only fools of the first caliber would fall for his whiney "why does everyone hate me" bs.

people hate you Al because as can be seen from the small number of complaints about you since yesterday - you are an obvious thief, and that's aside from being an ignorant, self absorbed moron.

You spout like a broken sewage pipe and it's all the same effluent.

I have no doubt your family lineage is better for the world when it is not reproducing. Thankfully, it's obvious as Andy says, you probably never had a long term relationship with a woman. Probably you never had a long term relationship with anyone, including your parents.

The MoPo membership will be happy when you once again slink off into your gutter and we're all happy that once again, you've been exposed for the dishonest person and sewage eating fool you are


At 02:31 PM 4/22/2010, Andy Neal wrote:
I actually quite like the name Peanut, gotta be better than having a big head lol Thanks for the insult though, I'm honoured.

It still didn't avoid the point that you still owe people money and are nothing more than a criminal. People will find out your new eBay name trust me, I for one will warn people on my forum and im sure other forums will follow suit.

I got a private message from Scorsese actually so am pleases I did try. Not sure why you thought it was a crazy idea to be honest, you sound like a very angry person with some kind of deep routed personal issues. I'm guessing your single, never had a long term girlfriend and still live with your grandma.

Come on little man, cough up what you owe people and act like a grown man not a school kiddy.

> ________________________
> On 2010-04-22 22:11:12 +0100 Al Shevy <> wrote:
>> Look I have not and am not selling anything on ebay anymore or retail
>> anywhere. I'm not going to do this again with you guys. its all been gone
>> over before to DEATH. I wish I had said nothing but I'm sick of seeing Rich
>> spout off nonsense on here. He has nothing to do with me. My name should
>> not even be coming out of his mouth. He claims he has no dealing with me
>> which is bullshit and I'm tired of his bullshit like he bought out a
>> warehouse owned by MIRAMAX. Its bullshit.
>> As far as foul mouth it's only foul when I do it right guys.I mean Im sure >> when you go to the movie you all complain because people could not possibly
>> speak like this. Unless you only watch G rated movies. Do you all send
>> Scorsese and Tarantino protest letters because of the foul mouths. I did
>> not think so.    As Rich said I'm a fave target here. You guys just don't
>> like the fact that I am not going to set here and let you spout BS. Not all >> of you, some of you have legit complaints against me. But Rich sure as hell
>> did not and he's nothing but a windbag.
>> The posters were sent. I'm not shipping from Vegas or wherever. I shipped
>> from TAMPA FL one of the most BUSY USPS hubs there are. Way more postage
>> goes through here then most places. Not an excuse. Fact. I've received back
>> plastic bags of goop that had labels on them that I have no ideal what
>> happened. I've gotten back empty packages. I've had numerous packages
>> opened by customs here to see what was being sent. That's just how the mail
>> works here. Or use too its has been quite a while since I have used the
>> USPS.
>> Now I'm off. When the PEANUT starts spouting in I'm outta here. I mean this >> is a guy who had the brilliant idea to see if Martin Scorsese would endorse
>> his site. Are you kidding??? Scorsese probably has your name filed under
>> Travis Bickel or  Rupert Pupkin!!!!!!
>> AL
>>    ----- Original Message -----   From: David Kuspa   To:
>> MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU   Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 9:06 AM
>>    Subject: Re: [MOPO] AW: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past
>> Oh yeah, I remember Al Shevy (ebay ID: coolstuff159) and his foul-mouthed
>> responses here on MOPO and on NSFGE to a series of deals gone bad in
>> summer/fall 2005. I warned MOPO about him back then after he made his eBay
>> feedback private to hide the growing number of negatives he was receiving
>> from buyers like me. In my case, I returned a grossly misrepresented poster >> (undisclosed water stain, bleed-through stain, etc.) to him, but he told me
>> my package arrived empty. Sound familiar? I wasn't the only buyer this
>> happened to and among his many excuses, Al blamed the post office, claiming
>> they had been tampering with his mail. Eventually, "coolstuff159" was no
>> longer a registered eBay member.
>>    Hey Al, if you're still selling on eBay under a different name, please
>> tell us your current seller ID so we won't unintentionally buy from you.
>> I'm sure you don't want to risk doing business with your former victims any
>> more than we would ever want to buy from you again. Remember, buyers are
>> free to leave negative feedback against you now without worrying about the
>> threat of getting a retaliation negative feedback from you.
>>    -_David.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    From: MoPo List [] On Behalf Of
>> Wolfgang Jahn
>>    Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 2:25 AM
>>    Subject: [MOPO] AW: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past
>> Now that name Al Shevy rang a bell to me, and I checked in my older email
>> folder:
>> In September 2005 in bought posters from him on ebay (his ID back then:
>> coolstuff159 ) for
>>    $292,74
>>    And never received anything! Unfortunately it was too late to file a
>> paypal claim, or even leave neg. feedback I think.
>> He first told me can't take paypal (wonder why) and 3 weeks later he said
>> I could pay with paypal now, which I did then (I think he only had 1-2
>> negative feedbacks) I never received anything then, and only got one reply
>> from him about when and how they were sent, saying sth like: 'I took them
>> to the post office'
>> Included was a Henry artwork style, Pulp Fiction Quad, Lost highway 1sh.
>>    So Al, you still owe me $292,74 or these or other posters. How's that?
>>    Wolfgang Jahn
>> Von: MoPo List [] Im Auftrag von allen
>> day
>>    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. April 2010 03:14
>>    Betreff: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past
>>          I can shed a little bit of light ...
>> Al Shevy is a guy who sold posters on eeebay several years ago, I
>> was the winning bidder on a particular auction and paid promptly via
>> Paypal. Poster never posted despite several messages back and forth,
>> several deadlines ignored / missed, Paypal refunded most of the $$$.
>>          Al Shevy provided a valuable lesson ... and it only cost me less
>> than $40
>>          I'm sure he must be a nice guy to some people, probably a great
>> family man as well, but with online business dealings ... he is just a
>> low-rent, mouth breathing, jack leg, butthead, suck-egg country mule
>> geechie, bless his evil 'lil heart. I was once consumed that this cretin
>> thought he was going to get away without paying up, then I realised it was >> small poop from smaller poop. Now ... I wouldn't spend the time or money to >> buy salt ... to pour on the slug. I feel somewhat used by wasting this time
>> to type out this message, but hey, what's done ... is done.
>>          BTW ... smoochies, Al ... miss you ...
>>          ad
>> --- On Wed, 4/21/10, <> wrote:
>>          From: <>
>>          Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past
>>          Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 8:39 PM
>> I've been in this hobby for almost 30 years. Will someone please
>> tell me....
>>                                   Who the hell is Al Shevy?
>> I can't believe for almost 30 years I've never had the please
>> of meeting or hearing of such a warm and wonderful man!
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