I don't think I could improve upon what Rich has posted here.  It is, at best, 
an unfortunate situation
for all concerned.  But I don't think anything helpful is further served by 
just beating this very expired

Perhaps I could post a one sheet for LEGEND OF THE LOST?


Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680  www.movieart.net
mobile 512 589 5112

On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:57 PM, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art wrote:

> Like Bruce, I keep any consignments segregated from all other stock.
> I do this because in my huge warehouse, it is too easy to mix material 
> otherwise. 
> I also do not give an inventory of material received, as it would be 
> impossible for me to give up the time needed to do so. I simply include a 
> sheet of sold items with any payments and I sell all of any consignment 
> within one auction for simplification
> However, nearly every consignment I have ever received came with an 
> inventory, and it matches my sales sheets.
> Ergo, there are no complaints
> Concerning any such complaints, like the one Geraldine has with Heritage:
> the facts are that Geraldine says she sent some things, but she never 
> included an inventory
> Heritage says they did not get them
> this is a classic case of "she said, he said" and if Geraldine were to sue 
> Heritage (and attorney Sean will say for sure), her case would be thrown out 
> because she has no kind of proof at all of posters she sent to anyone and 
> Heritage says they didn't get such posters in her consignment.
> I can imagine that people get confused all the time, and confusion at times 
> leads to false claims
> I'm not saying Geraldine is or is not making such claims, as I have no way of 
> knowing for certain one way or the other.
> however, Geraldine is clearly attempting to damage Rudy & Heritage in some 
> fashion by her continuing accusations, and while her claims of consignments 
> being lost is not "provable", there can be no doubt that if Rudy & Heritage 
> wanted to sue Geraldine for libelous claims, they would have a much more 
> viable claim than Geraldine has of lost posters
> Rich
> At 10:15 AM 6/5/2012, Bruce Hershenson wrote:
>> That is why I tell our consignors that an inventory is for THEIR benefit and 
>> not ours. We actually DO keep all consignors' items carefully segregated 
>> until they are marked in three different ways, so that we have a 
>> triple-check system that results in our not losing items. We HAVE had a 
>> small number of minor items misplaced over the years, and we have paid those 
>> people for those few items (and when they were later located, as they always 
>> are, we have offered to let the owner give the money back and have the 
>> items, or we auction them as our consignment).
>> I still insist that if this were true, there would be at least several 
>> others with the same complaint, and others with legal actions pending. It 
>> makes no sense to be a one-time occurrence, unless there was an employee 
>> stealing, but then they would continue, unless they were discovered and 
>> fired.
>> Bruce
>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Dale Dilts <ddilts...@mchsi.com> wrote:
>> I must be missing exactly how taking an inventory before sending would 
>> actually help? 
>> I could write up a nice long list of stuff, only send half of it, and then 
>> claim they lost it, how much sense does that make and in court who exactly 
>> is going to win that battle.
>> Making a list and taking pictures might make you feel real safe, but sending 
>> no list at all covers you just the same. Yes it would allow you to reconcile 
>> your list against a sales list, but other than that, pretty worthless as 
>> there is no proof what actually ever enters the mail stream or once opened 
>> what is done with it. 
>> If you are going to consign anything, you simply take the risk of your 
>> property leaving your hands with potentially no return. Like it or not, 
>> trust is still a must in any business that is not done person to person.
>> From: MoPo List [ mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Carlos 
>> Duenas
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:55 AM
>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>> Hi all, 
>> I guess it would be sad to agree that "trust no one" is the best rule. I 
>> have send posters to Christies in London and took the time to make an 
>> inventory (because there were only a few items they wanted, they only took 
>> posters worth over US$250). Even sending the inventory which was very small 
>> they didn´t send the inventory of what they received and misplaced one of my 
>> posters which they found after I complained because they did not add it to 
>> their following auction. On the other hand, I have sent hundreds of posters 
>> and lobby cards to Bruce Hershenson, I asked if I needed  to send an 
>> inventory; they said no, I trusted them and so far they haven´t misplaced 
>> anything (and not making inventories has saved me many hours of work). To be 
>> frank I don´t have the memory to know if everything I had sent to them has 
>> been auction or is being held for a later auction, but I trust them and if 
>> there were item that were special (valuable) I would remember them the same 
>> way Geraldine remembers her good posters that are missing. 
>> Just to add more salt to this e-mail I would like to share an experience 
>> that I find funny: the same poster I sent to Christies in London, a 1964 NM 
>> My Fair Lady(which sold for about US$800), I offered to Christies in NY and 
>> they said they didn´t want it because of its low value, nevertheless, a few 
>> days later a man from that auction wrote to me saying that he would buy the 
>> poster from me if I wanted. I also offer that same poster to Heritage a few 
>> years ago and they said the poster wasn´t good enough for their auction. 
>> I very much appreciate Geraldine sharing with everyone what happened to her, 
>> it think is fantastic and cheap learning from others´ experiences.
>> Mainly for ethical reasons I think auctions should have standard procedure 
>> to treat all customers in the same careful and respectful manner no matter 
>> their age or origin or if they are dealers or collector but also for their 
>> reputation because there are groups of people like us (mopoers) that would 
>> share the good and the bad for the benefit of all. 
>> Best,
>> Carlos
>> From: "Walton, Jeffrey" < jeffrey.wal...@fisglobal.com>
>> Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 12:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>> I concur wholeheartedly….you just can’t ship a bunch of posters and claim 
>> foul when no inventory on your part was done no matter if you trust that 
>> identity or not.  When shipping a bunch of poster I always make an inventory 
>> and send along a copy of the inventory as well.  So when Grey or Bruce 
>> compares the list and there is a discrepancy there is at least a record.  
>> What would have happened if the parcel was lost in the mail, then try to 
>> stake a claim with the insurance?
>> The X-files said it best – ‘Trust no one.”
>> From: MoPo List [ mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU ] On Behalf Of Richard 
>> Halegua Posters + Comic Art
>> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 3:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>> Geraldine
>> reading your posts as a outsider makes me wonder about some of the things 
>> you mention in your emails.
>> Are you trying to get a resolution, or are you just trying to disparage Rudy 
>> Franchi and Heritage?
>> Also, do you or do you not think that your own actions are a partial 
>> contributor to your angst??
>> Don't get me wrong.. I'm not attempting to disparage or attack you. I 
>> understand you have a dispute, it was not to date settled in your favor and 
>> that makes you angry.
>> But some thing that you wrote puzzles me. Your own lack of an inventory 
>> specifically.
>> 2 weeks ago, I consigned a large collection of my own to Profiles in History 
>> for their July auction. I have a book collection or hardcover Photoplay 
>> editions in dust jackets dating from 1913 to the 1940s with additional items 
>> up to the 1990s.
>> I have known Joe Maddalena for a reasonably long time and we have done deals 
>> on both a personal level and via his auction house. However, regardless of 
>> my relationship with Joe, when I consigned this collection to them of 800 
>> books and related items, there is no way I would have let these items leave 
>> my possession without an inventory.
>> For 2 weeks prior to them leaving my warehouse, I photographed each and 
>> every item in this collection. Yes it was done in part so I could have file 
>> images of these items for my image archive, but it was also done so that in 
>> case of any disputes, I could prove to Profiles what I gave them. This is 
>> not for the protection of myself and for the protection of Profiles. How 
>> could I dispute any issues without having such an inventory in my hands??
>> Did I do this time consuming job for my own pleasure??
>> No Ma'am
>> I had plenty of other work to do, and such a task only added to my weekly 
>> work schedule right at a time when I was actually busier than I had been in 
>> months, and anyone who knows me knows that my work schedule is always 
>> completely full and that I haven't been having lots of playtime in my 
>> wonderful city of Las Vegas. It actually left me with just one day to get 
>> ready for Cinevent, and that one day wasn't nearly enough.
>> Joe may be my good friend and I trust him 100%, but I do not leave it up to 
>> other people to protect my own interests, as much as I would like to when I 
>> don't have any time. If I leave it up to someone else to protect my 
>> interests, I really don't feel I can blame the other party no matter how 
>> many assurances I have that I can. Furthermore, if such a situation were to 
>> land me in a lawsuit attempting to claim some sort of duress, what portion 
>> of such duress is my own fault for not protecting myself??
>> I do remember the days when a handshake deal was a bond, but I have also 
>> felt the betrayal of a handshake deal not being honored, making me wish I 
>> had done what was necessary to protect myself before any issues arose. Not 
>> completing such an action is no one's fault but my own.
>> So the question becomes, "IF" your claims are true, what responsibility do 
>> you think you have in not having done what was necessary to protect 
>> yourself? Do you think this was a failure on your behalf, or do you think 
>> that you have any responsibility at all?
>> If you were to sue Heritage, what proof would you use to prove your case? 
>> Admittedly, you made no inventory, Charlie is 82 and you are also at an age 
>> where things become less clear to the mind - through no fault of your own.. 
>> It just happens as people get older. It will happen to me as well probably.
>> I have thought at times that something is missing and believed I had given 
>> it to someone, only to later find said item in my inventory, generally 
>> somewhere that it doesn't belong, at which point I was forced to apologize 
>> to that person who I thought screwed me.
>> You did not do what was necessary to protect yourself, how can that be the 
>> fault of Heritage?
>> Rich
>> At 06:15 AM 6/4/2012, Geraldine Kudaka wrote:
>> Rudy, this list is not just for dealers.
>> There are a lot of people who lurk here who are interested in movie posters. 
>> They are not professional dealers in the business. Some may be non-poster 
>> business people interested in selling off collections acquired from either a 
>> lifetime of working in the industry, or inherited them from dad, who passed 
>> on.
>> This is also a public list which non-subscribers go to for archived 
>> information on how to sell their posters..
>> As a noted movie poster expert, these uninformed sellers need to know that 
>> you will encourage them to send their collections "post vite" to Heritage. 
>> You will not tell them that they need to protect themselves by doing a 
>> photographic inventory and log of their posters before sending to Heritage. 
>> You will not warn them that Heritage's inventory process is suspect and 
>> their software probably some home-user Access-like database program. (Here, 
>> I'm referring to security differences between programs like Quicken and true 
>> business accounting software which do not allow you to change entries 
>> without leaving a trail.)
>> You will not tell them that heritage will not return posters they do not 
>> sell.
>> You will simply funnel them to Heritage  -- for your commission.  
>> For this reason - among others - an esteemed seller on this list posted a 
>> wish that you were dead... 
>> Need I remind you I defended you? This was before I sat down and went though 
>> our Heritage file and discovered what was really going on. This was before I 
>> went online and found that Heritage has been accused by others for stealing 
>> items submitted for consignment.
>> Last -- if you think you have spent "a huge amount of time" on this issue, 
>> get real. Suggesting we comply with Heritage's offer of selling without 
>> commission fees is certainly not an email that takes a lot of time to write. 
>> After Grey threatened us with legal action, we have spent far more money on 
>> attorney's fees than you have... That's a hard financial cost on top of the 
>> value of posters sent to Heritage.
>> While I appreciate your suggestion we go bankrupt "sueing everybody 
>> involved", I will decline your advice. 
>> In the start, I said this list is not just for dealers. My emails are for 
>> the lurking public, now and in the future. 
>> From: rudy franchi <r...@nostalgia.com>
>> Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 10:41 AM
>> Subject: [MOPO] Reply To Geraldine
>> It seems that I can't post to MOPO without Geraldine popping out like
>> a cuckoo bird on a spring. This has gone beyond rational discussion.
>> I've spent a huge amount of time on this problem and Grey has
>> spent the equivalent of days in hour after hour of trying to reach a
>> satisfactory conclusion.  Perhaps Geraldine should just sue everyone
>> involved. After she loses, she can appeal it all the way to the
>> Supreme Court where it will go down in judicial history as "When I've Got A
>> Hammer  vs. Everything's A Nail."  Meanwhile, I will continue to
>> occasionally post here and just put up with the tirades. On some of
>> the stock market discussion boards I visit, one can put a particularly
>> annoying person on "ignore" so that their posts won't show up in your
>> message box. Would that we could do that here.
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> -- 
> Bruce Hershenson and the other 26 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
> P.O. Box 874
> West Plains, MO 65775
> Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we take 
> lunch)
> our site
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