For more than a decade, Movie Collector's World was the primary outlet for  
dealers to reach buyers and vise-versa.  From at least a dealer's  
perspective---and who knows...possibly a collector's perspective as  well---
I believe those were the final stages of the 'glory days' of movie poster  
collecting---before eBay took over like a gargantuan leviathan, inundating 
the  market with repros, questionable material and an overabundance of stuff. 
  Hey, I'm thankful I lived in an era where a goddam periodical that came 
once a  month played such an integral part in the hobby of movie poster 
collecting.  Things have definitely changed...many will say for the 
I'm not so  sure...   R.I.P. Movie Collector's World.  Those of us who lived 
 though those years when you were on the cutting edge of the hobby will  
sorely miss you...
In a message dated 10/16/2012 3:59:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I am so  very sad to announce that "On Monday, October 15 two of the  most 
highly respected film buff publications, Movie Collector’s World (MCW)  and 
Classic Images (CI) announced that they had come to an agreement on the  
sale of MCW. Classic Images has agreed to buy Movie Collectors World, a  
Michigan based newspaper published by Brian Bukantis since 1985. The agreement  
was made on Friday, October 12. The two papers, serving movie buffs around the 
 world, will be merged into one monthly publication. Under the terms of the 
 agreement, currently active paid MCW subscribers will receive each monthly 
 issue of CI, beginning with the December issue, for the length of their 
MCW  subscription term."

Those of you who only joined this hobby the past  few years only know of 
MCW as a thin magazine, filled mostly with auction  announcements and ads for 
the foremost dealers.

But for those of us who  have been in the hobby for decades, we remember so 
well those pre-Internet  days when a large portion of the collectors and 
dealers subscribed to this  then bulging publication, because it was THE 
number one way to buy and  sell, and pretty much the most important day of the 
month was the one when MCW  arrived!

This really IS the "end of an era". I want to publicly thank  Brian 
Bukantis for publishing it the past 27 years, and for doing a superb job  
throughout that time (of course, the ONLY thing he couldn't overcome  was the 
Internet, which is rapidly putting EVERY newspaper and magazine  out of 
and Brian should be quite proud that he was able to continue  publishing as 
long as he did). He is a great guy, both personally and  professionally, and 
he added immeasurably to our hobby. The ONLY silver  lining to this is that 
Brian's life now won't be spent going from one urgent  deadline to another!

I will have more about this (and a farewell  message from Brian) in my next 
weekly e-mail club message on  Sunday!

Bruce Hershenson and the other 26 members of the team
P.O. Box 874
West Plains, MO 65775
Phone:  417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we 
take  lunch)
_our site_ ( 
_our  auctions_ ( 

_Complete Buyer Protection_ 
  -  No time limit on our 
guarantees & NO buyer  beware
_Hershenson Help Hotline_ (
s/20120906_mcw_ad_hershenson_help_hotline_forsite.jpg)  -  Direct line to 
Bruce (our owner!) for urgent  problems
Also, please read the following three pages of  in-depth Customer Reviews 
of our company - _Page 1_ 
( , 
_Page 2_ 
( , 
_Page 3_ 
( , 
which shows you in  our 
customers' own words exactly what makes our company and our auctions  so very 
different from all others! 

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