>as alway Kusomoto has he facts i appreciate and writes like what 
and how i like to see communication done.. KUDOS to KUSOmoto :)

 speaking of media... I tried to get press one year as I made a clock
to commemorate 100 years of cinema on the 100th anniversary... So i
hired the largest media press release company PR NEWSWIRE and paid
1000.00 to have our news release sent to every enttertainment
editorin the USA... well.... didnt get in 1 paper that I know
of...Biggest flop I ever had... no one gave a damn abobout april 23,
1896  Koster and bials music hall in NYC where the Edison  Vitascope
premired.I was crushed.... well there was also a debate that the
Frech and british beat the USA by a few years... regardless No one
gave a damn.... so it received NO press..

But then I sold Adam Wests book for him and advertised in trades all
over and was able to get the Great LIZ SMITH to do a piece on her NYC
news show.. and i heard tahat was quite a coo,, she even sent me the
telepromter copy of the show... so press is a real crapshoot... 

basically if Im seeking press I ask nicely and I give them the slant
and why it will appeal to readters or TV viewers as they need to sell
pappers and  rile up viewers with info so as David so precisly has
sstated it  boil down to time, the reviewers interst,,, and many
factors... but as we know now A guy or girl can go viril if they
simply do somthing stupid like glue there head to a table... lol
media has lost much of the power... Ive seen some many peopel
communivcate well on Youtube and facebook so really if I had to
say... I think its just be yourself, have passion and state best ou
can your ideas... and then the peopel will let you know.. as I think
Humans can pick up the aura of truth and also if its alll bs the
internet and all kind makes it all come back to ya like a
bommarang.... good or bad..... so best to be thankful and try to help
as many as possible to you leave good memories.. and it doesnt hurt
to surround yourself with people on the same page of thought ....in
the big picture always think who will care 100 years from now
anyway... I mean who wasthe most influancial person that helped
people in 1932 ??? maybe if you google it :)lolol
>---- Original Message ----
>From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] DeLuca, Heritage, featured in tomorrow's WSJ
>Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 17:44:35 -0800
>>Hey Peter - you were caught/used in the standard "space constraints
>for a throwaway article," just as you described it.  When you've been
>interviewed many times, you learn over the years that you can end up
>on the cutting room floor despite spending 30-90 minutes with harried
>writers who have no time nor interest in what their editors have
>"assigned" them to write only 500-words about.  Writers prefer to
>pitch their story ideas to editors, not the other way around.  It's
>worse for TV.  I am so accustomed to warning clients about the press
>and managing their expectations.  The classic routine is being on
>camera for 15 minutes and then you get sliced to a 10-second blip on
>TV - or get completely shut out.  For ex., watch your late local news
>and pay attention to the length of EACH story.  After the top 3
>stories are "out of the way," about 6-to-15 stories are blasted out
>which average about 10-15 seconds each.  Only the most visually or
>verbally compelling stuff makes it.  Editors do not trust the
>attention span of readers and TV viewers.  For ex., I always tell
>people that in a 30-minute news broadcast, there's only about 6 min.
>of actual "local" content.  The rest is filled with national,
>international, sports and weather news - and then about 6 to 8 min.
>worth of commercials.  From beginning to end, it's a sprint.  Most
>news organizations are no more than headline services.  And with the
>advent of social media, it's gotten worse, with "tweets" sent out by
>newsrooms that are less than 140 characters each. - d.
>>P.S. - Many news organizations, esp. the NYT (circulation, 1.6
>million), the WSJ (circulation, 2.3 million) and the Washington Post
>(circulation, 470,000) - all have "exclusivity" rules - i.e., their
>editors REFUSE to run material run elsewhere unless it can be updated
>or has significance impossible to ignore, such as a plane crash. 
>Hence the decision to "bypass" elaborating about "Metropolis."  While
>newspapers are dying, their digital / mobile phone editions are
>keeping them barely alive, esp. the NYT, which finally posted huge
>gains after recently charging readers for digital content, (something
>the WSJ has always done).  The NYT, despite bleeding red ink, still
>has the highest Sunday circulation in the U.S. (2.1 million). - d.
>>---- Original Message ----
>>Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 19:03:10 -0500
>>From: pcontar...@triad.rr.com
>>Subject: Re: DeLuca, Heritage, featured in tomorrow's WSJ
>>I was the other person she contacted for the story. She only had 500
>words available and she felt the metropolis had already been done(and
>when she did mention it, she got it wrong). I asked her what she
>wanted the thrust of the article to be and I think she just needed to
>get something out before the AA. As you say it was not particularly
>accurate. I explained in great detail how the hobby was unique in
>that the material was never sold to the public, the ways material did
>flow into collector's hands, how poster exchanges worked, etc. I
>mentioned off-handedly how some people actually used posters for home
>insulation years ago(this morphed into "huge caches" of material that
>can be found in home walls!). It was a hastily done throw-away
>article.  Check the box and move onto the next thing.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of
>Tom Martin
>>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:57 AM
>>Subject: Re: [MOPO] DeLuca, Heritage, featured in tomorrow's WSJ
>> DID I MISS something??? or did the writer leave out the recent
>Deluca buy of Metropolis???? at 1 million... U see soem old quotes on
>earlier prices.. also she nowhere discusses the fact of Ralph Deluca
>being a super collector....
>>Also The Grey Smith Part was Ok,, but she didnt do her homework this
>woman From Wall street...she could have given a broader viewpoint and
>offered some places postes where being collected like Museumsna
>collections.. and also people like Learn about Postres, and the
>Poster dealers Like the shops in NYC, andLa, London,,, and auction
>people like RICH and Bruce...
>>They should have had You David write the story... perhaps you could
>submit a story and give it more Gusto.. and more details..
>>It was nice that Wall street attempted a story but it was
>disappointing in not very accurate..
>>Steven Sansweet who worked at Lucasfilm as a fand club and PR person
>was a former writer for Wall street and could also have done a good
>job on a article..
>>this one was disappointing.. what does everyone else think????
>>best, Tom
>>---- Original Message ----
>>Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 23:05:36 -0800
>>From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
>>Subject: DeLuca, Heritage, featured in tomorrow's WSJ
>> with its weekend pre-Oscar coverage, tomorrow's WSJ has a short
>> about movie posters with quotes from Ralph DeLuca and Grey Smith.
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