Nice touch, Rich.

I also understand 'shifting priorities' as one nears 60.

My 5 year old daughter 'demands' it.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art <> wrote:

> Hi Folks.
> I've been getting some queries about what's going on at
> as my schedules have been rather erratic for the past few months
> I had announced an autographs auction that was going to begin today, but I
> won't be making it.
> I've been working on a number of projects for the past several months all
> related to my other collectibles stuff and it's been reducing the schedule
> of available time to do movie poster auctions
> Why is this happening?
> Well it's like this, since I took over & started doing a regular auction
> on in 2006, for the past 8 years I have done almost
> nothing else other than my auctions.
> For 7 years, this was a weekly process that I had assistants for, but my
> Secretary of many years Anna moved on last May and I'd been handling it
> mostly by myself until my friend Brian had started helping me a few months
> back.
> Doing these auctions is a real job.. Creating, photographing, listing,
> shipping (and all the other attendant work for an auction) is 160 hours
> work. For most people 160 hours is full time job and they would be correct,
> it is indeed a full time job. In retrospect, it's hard to understand how I
> did this for 7 years on a weekly rotation and while I have been doing a
> monthly or even bi-weekly series for a while, the combination of all the
> other work and the auctions means something has got to give.
> For instance, for all of that 7 years, my warehouse, which is full of
> other material aside from movie posters has pretty much laid untouched,
> which means that nearly $1,000,000 of merchandise has been effectively not
> for sale. Comic books, original comic art, pulp magazines, movie & other
> magazines, miscellaneous items of all kinds and who-knows-what have sat,
> mostly untouched except for when boxes needed to be moved so that I could
> get at the movie posters behind them. It's something I can't ignore anymore.
> I must process and list all that stuff. Turn it into cash and trade. Get
> it out of my overstuffed and disorganized 2200 sqft of racked and shelved
> warehouse.
> As a result, I have been far more busy working in the back of the building
> than in the front and no question, movie poster auctions have taken a back
> seat.
> For the near term this is not going to change. I have to get this work
> done and it is going to take the rest of this year at least. My ambitions
> make me think I can do all this work and fast, but as I near 60, I'm
> finally coming to the conclusion that I can't work like I did when I was 35.
> What that means is that I will not be able to adhere to a regular
> bi-weekly auction schedule, though it does not mean I will not be doing
> auctions. It just means that sometimes an auction will be happening and
> sometimes not. I had an auction of autographed items announced that would
> start today, but is being delayed not just because of the work I have in
> back, but also because I'm leaving Thursday for L.A. to be at the Ray
> Courts Celebrities Show return in Burbank http://courtscelebritiesshow.
> com/
> Ray did his shows for many years, sold out & is now coming back.. and I'm
> going!
> None the less, I can't get the auction listed in time and rather than keep
> saying "an auction is coming now" I'm going to reschedule it for after my
> return from LA. I will enlarge this auction and the autographed items will
> just be a part of the sale along with folded posters and lobby cards. This
> begins October 5th and will not be rescheduled, so you can mark your
> calendars
> Moving forward, I have been asking new consignors to wait for me as I
> clean up all the work I have and get back to a proper point to handle their
> material. Thankfully, they have all stated that they would wait for me and
> I have some nice collections lined up, so when I get back to a real
> schedule, you folks will be very happy.
> meanwhile, if you are looking for collectibles to buy, I am currently
> processing text lists for comic books, pulps, Big Little Books, art,
> magazines and other collectibles as well as a very large list of movie
> posters
> Some material has been listed in the Supermarket for
> ready sale;
> view=home&Itemid=537
> and you can find some comics listings at the CGC comics boards
> ubb=showflat&Number=8016543&fpart=1
> ubb=showflat&Number=8027017&fpart=1
> ubb=showflat&Number=8027019&fpart=1
> ubb=showflat&Number=8051418#Post8051418
> Also, while we are re-aligning everything here, I'm going to get the
> programmer to fix some bugs on MPB that have been irritating me as well as
> bidders. Hopefully they can figure out pretty soon what the solutions are.
> In any case, thanks for reading everyone. It's been a long road and the
> road hasn't ended.. It goes on into the distance. I hope I find you waiting
> at the next rest stop
> thanks
> Rich
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