how interesting , not so long ago george  bush and his fellow demented 
fundamentalist so-called christians refused to  sign the kyoto protocol because 
god gave this planet to mankind  and so all that's done is gods will (besides 
taking ecological steps would damage the american economy right , which is why 
Doha didn't get signed either ? )  , and you want to prey and ask that same 
so-called god for help ?
and didn't your almighty god create everything , including ebola ?
But then as far as your religion goes i'm not an expert as i don't have a 
degree in psychiatry
> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:01:06 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Scarey story- not for small children or mentally 
> disturbed adults.. warning may cause anxiety,
> so mopo its almost halloweeen,,, and many of you like Horror  right?? 
> you buy spooky art posters and all... you like Hitch, King, and all the 
> rest... but do you really want to be scared?? if so read this if not,,, 
> well move along..
> I used to be like you and contemplated everything until I saw that it 
> was pretty useless... basically we know nothing... its all hocus 
> pocus... why everyone drinks is on prozac and the like is we cant find 
> logical answers,,, unless like me you saw OK God I surrender to ou .. do 
> your will... In which a college educated typical person will say..." 
> think critcal" and say that there is no climate change and that 
> everything can be controlled by man.......well if like me you see thats 
> as nuts as thinking we are able to stop ebola .. read on...If you look 
> in the bible revelation it shows exactly teh script what has been 
> happing and clearly states NO man will no when the end is near NO ONE.. 
> but we will see the signs like climate and wars and signs and disesase 
> and etc... it said the water will become like poisin well ths summer 
> InToledo they shut off our water... was it a Gove test for the coming 
> senerio? was it real....? who knows but I saw panic over water 300,00 
> peopel fightingoverwater.... what if it was food, medical..?? it wont be 
> pretty
> meanwhile... like a cheap movie script by corman or romerao. we get 
> ebola,,,, now consider this... its geting to the health care workers 
> themselves... and can travel fast on stuff like materials and all... so 
> consider whats passed around the most..// MONEY? kinda symbolic eh... 
> all the terrorists need to do is spread alitlle atround and the entire 
> country is toast,,, doe s not take a rocket scientist,,, right now 
> peopel are in denial... as it wont come here its containable.. well if 
> you watch the news the rate of transfer is fast as peopel that are 
> exposed to one then expose to manty and if you add  intentional threats 
> by others,, think a terrorits now doesnt need a bomb.. they can simple 
> walk in a city and expose see why I think God is the only 
> answer as even history showed us that plagues where the toughist,,, even 
> in moses time.. in middle ages and cant protect against what 
> you cant even see or know is even there... consider the common cold.. 
> they have never been able to stop that and Flu and colds are 
> the ebola is like a super viris that can travel on just the medical 
> equipment and gowns... now that out rivals any movie script evere and is 
> whats actually hapening now...
> so what can we do?,,, wellfor my frienda and family and peopel like you 
> ILL prya we all find safety. peace and a solution as this is some 
> serious matters ... as I see our air, water, and climate and food system 
> is in deep be carefull as this last part ofthe ride may get 
> real bumpy folks.. God bless... Btw way to furthur prove.... I met a guy 
> the other day whuo had some projectors .. well his business was also 
> disater reaction relief from disasters and he has all the clearance on 
> cdc stuff .. he said they are not prepared for anything like ebola// so 
> basicall we are on our own.. ive hear rumors that the Gov might 
> quaratine peopel in the FEma cammps who are supected of the virus..and 
> that could end up with cival unrest and hence martial Law.... so be 
> prepared as thsoe that have Guns and bug out bags and stuffwill be very 
> agressive if the Gov starts doing that.. lets hope calm minds prevail... 
> personally I am asking God for help...take care
> ----
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