personally I think its all manufactured hype, and creative promotion to ensnare the rich, which I find comical. but I applaud the Rich dupers as to get 500K fora piece of paper is awesome.. better then a house flipper deal... historically the film was lost in a fire and no full copies are around so this represents the film.. as horror fans go Lon Chaney was one of the tops and so thats great...but since I never saw the film I have no idea if its even a intesting film. as George Carlin said Its a Big club and YOUR not in it sums it up for me...I never bought a poster over a few hundred and to hear about such a closed group that buy these seems like emporores clothing and always has..However it symbolizes the entire fascination of the macabe that people have like at halloween and all. there are some cool graphics and some have been really rare,,My best memomry of King kong was talking to linwood . and meeting Ray Harryhausen more from a technical aspect although war of he worlds and other sci-fi 50s films where very entertaining to a 10 year old kid.. From a dealer aspect sure i would like to fine a horde of universal... But these lobby cards are bassically the very same images theguy that paid 10,000 is holding on to and I dont have fear if they go in a flood or allowing kids with sticky fingers to view them.. as what matters was the films anyway.. But all that matterd was a few peopel thought it was worth a investment of 500k right.. even if only 4 peopel in the world.. Hertitage did its job... and this will pump interest up in posters as many people just want to make money.. and PT Barnum said t best a sucker born every minute and two to take it if these suckers sell it for 2x what they paid they are smart investors right? but if they lose 500K and tell a bank they have a piece of paper as a collateral.. or most peopel,, Good luck Irene !! so if it wasnt about investment what was it about?? Vanity .. being the kind of the hill? egos>? or preserving that paper and who the heck has %00K to burn laying around? Not this guy and ifI did Iwould hope to God I would do something better then Buy a movie poster with it...!!! hope I didnt offend the Buy or seller or annyone on Mope But I think this world makes me look like einstein and I cant even spell good. happy thanksgiving folks. I summery..If my grandmother would have saw this auction she would say now what are you doing in a group like that BOY?? thats crazy. and I agree.
On 2014-11-23 19:24, JOHN REID Vintage Movie Memorabilia wrote:
I would be interested in your opinions as to what makes London After
Midnight such a valuable poster. I have the only know copy of the spider returns serial movie poster 47re style ed poole had no record of it... does that mean its worth 395K? or 100 or 1000 and who guess the hertiage thought 80k estimate.. you just need two that need to have it and have boatloads of money.. end of storie

Obviously, it's rarity is a factor and the artwork is impressive but
there are plenty of other rare posters from that era for truly great
films that wouldn't go for even a fraction of the price that was
achieved on the weekend.

The interesting thing to me is that the film has not been seen by
anyone for at least 75 years. I know it was "recreated" some years ago
from a collection of stills but the recreation might well be far
removed from the original version.

Just curious about your thoughts.


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