Hi  David, 
This  actually popped up in a previous thread several years ago: 
Like  Rich Evans said, on face value the version with the A rating – which 
is clearly  part of the design not an overstamp - is a domestic UK  version 
(albeit very unusual for the 1940s!), and the Lion International one an  
international equivalent. I used to think post-war British one sheets were only 
 intended for overseas use too, but there are other titles with BBFC 
ratings that  seem to contradict this. 
Possibly  helping to back up this argument, both have the same litho number 
B.L. 838,  although with very slight differences in the artwork detail. (“
B.L.” stands for  production/distribution company British Lion which was 
absorbed by London Films  in the mid-40s.)  Interestingly, on  one poster the 
printer is credited as “STAFFORD & CO LTD NETHERFIELD  NOTTINGHAM”, and on 
the other “STAFFORD & CO LTD NETHERFIELD NOTTINGHAM and London”.  However, 
this is inconclusive, as both credits appear on British posters from  that 
time. Maybe the additional London  credit indicates which ones were printed for 
the London  branch. 
The  only slight question mark in my mind is whether Lion International 
existed in  1949/1950. Apart from IMDb, which may itself have been updated as a 
result of  the poster, the earliest reference to the company I can find is 
1955, although  this of course doesn’t mean they didn’t exist before then. 
This is where a good  collection of trade mags would come in useful! 
_www.movieposterstudio.com_ (http://www.movieposterstudio.com) 
In a message dated 19/06/2015 11:58:57 GMT Daylight Time,  
shadow....@gmail.com writes:

I guess  the question for someone more knowledgeable on the Brit stuff is 
why is there  (on the HA '49) a British Censor's stamp on a poster that was 
never designed  to be used in the UK -  as I understand it 1shts and 3shts 
were printed  for the colonies not used in the UK, so no reason to print UK 
data on it is  there?


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