It's really good of them to reply so quickly. However, I should point out  
that the 1st image you attached is not a quad, but (most of) a first  
release US Half Sheet style B.
The 2nd image is a really nice one of the original  quad though.
_www.movieposterstudio.com_ ( 
In a message dated 23/06/2015 10:58:51 GMT Daylight Time,  

Just  wanted to offer this follow-up.

As you know I had written to Mr Peter  Snell owner of CEO of British Lion 
Film in the hope he might be able to help  with the puzzle of the poster. 
Although he did not respond directly to me he  did kindly pass on my email to 
Studio Canal to respond. For those who do not  know, Studio Canal actually 
have just restored The Third Man and it has (just)  been released as well as 
available to purchase from all the usual online  re-sellers; watch the 
(restored) trailer here:

Mr.  Massimo Moretti who is the UK Library Commercial Development Manager 
for  StudioCanal answered as follows [some edits]:

"... Our company  controls the rights to most of the historical British 
Lion catalogue. It is a  library with a fascinating history, but this is 
history is also quite  complicated. Please accept my apologies for the 
generalizations, but, in  essence:

Studiocanal acquired the catalogue as  part of the purchase of the Lumiere 
Films catalogue in 1994-6.  

Originally the British Lion assets were acquired  by EMI Films around 1973. 
What makes it complicated is that British Lion acted  both as a financier 
and as a straightforward distributor and the rights  situations are sometimes 
complex. However, around 1949, British Lion was owned  by Sir Alexander 
Korda who used the studio facilities at Shepperton and the  distribution arm 
for his films produced under ‘London Films’. This is where  The Third Man 
comes into place. At the time The Selznick Organization acquired  North 
American distribution rights (the title was spelled The 3rd Man and the  poster 
very different), while British Lion distributed  internationally."

I also asked if it might be possible if he would  know the international 
re-release history for the film, to which he  replied:

"I am afraid our records on the International distribution  arm are pretty 
much non-existent, we end up relying on the BFI library and (which 
is far from reliable sometimes). It does not help that when  producing 
artwork British Lion often relied on National Screen Services and  they have 
also long gone."

He also kindly (as I did ask), a  couple of lo-res images of the 
quads...thought you might like to see  them...I'm assuming the US (Selznick) 
one would 
have been part of the  USA 1956/57 re-releases (BTW - the US poster sucks  
ass). ;)

Here are the confirmations of those USA reissues

That  is all I have thus far, as you know I had written to someone I know 
at BFI but  as yet I have not heard back. Either way, I think the poster on 
_BIDLL is a special and rare  one_ (  
- good luck if you are bidding.

David Rew
[mob] 0402 925 158
for serious collectors
 (   (   


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