as I said before.. it is obvious that Filip only came here to create trouble and he still is creating trouble by being stupid, ignorant and moronic

but that's what you get from internet trolls and most assuredly Filip, a troll is what you are. you wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to say this ignorant stuff to people you had to face and my suggestion to you little girl is to grow up

the only pathetic person here is you. You have added nothing to any conversation.

carry on fool..

At 10:42 PM 7/12/2015, filip de volder wrote:
Now will i "get smart and stop fooling around" in fear of having a guy call me names , telling me to eat shit ? frankly you can go ahead and insult me as much as you want , i replied to a post on postage by Helmut , then you came in to explain why your business is a joke with you losing money on postage and packing 3.5 parcels an hour You may have noticed that i by far do not reply to all your mopo posts , only to the ones where you are totally pathetic so trying to put me off as a troll won't work .

My advice to you , and i've given it before : get your act together , stop complaining about your business not working . your secretary left , your employees don't feel like working for you ... well maybe you should send your stock to Bruce or anyone else competent in movie poster selling , retire and why not write your exciting memories .

> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 13:10:19 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage
> At 10:57 PM 7/11/2015, Franc wrote:
> >I'm also not in favor of people who troll the board with never a
> >nice thing to say about anything, looking to start an argument.
> Franc is correct, that Filip's only intention was to come and start trouble.
> facts are that the only time you hear from Filip is when he's posting
> FS/FA or when he decides to troll Richie, which has been going on for
> about 2 years
> now don't get me wrong that anyone can post to the group and there is
> nothing wrong with posting about your stuff for sale, your
> experiences in posterdom, your friendly associations with others, but
> if your intent is to only come around and create trouble - which is
> 100% Filip's intention, then trouble will ensue in some form.
> My choice was to take it off the board, because I see no reason to
> say what I have to say to this retarded fool to everyone in the group.
> But true to his trouble making intent, Filip posted it to the group.
> I have no idea why Filip has decided to troll me, as I had never had
> a negative experience with him that I can recall, I had spent money
> with him on a number of occasions and was happy with all my
> purchases. I am fairly certain Filip never bought or bid on any of my
> items, so clearly there can't have been a bad experience there.
> So it seems that one day Filip woke up with a bug up his behind and
> started trolling. Of course, he used to troll someone else - on all
> forums. In particular on NSF, and maybe because that person is not
> here, Filip decided he needed a new target.
> Wrong target Filip. You'll get what you deserve when you troll me and
> if you weren't going to like it, maybe you should have watched your
> p's and q's as we say in America.
> sorry of you folks get to be in the middle, but maybe Filip will get
> smart and stop being a fool.
> that's up to him.
> Rich
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