What are the costs for linen backing from your friends? Please let me know! 

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> On Jul 13, 2015, at 1:08 PM, Greg Douglass <pickmeis...@cox.net> wrote:
>    Anybody remember Eugene Hughes? Eugene and I were friends for several 
> years...he was a funny and charming guy despite his  apparent total lack of 
> ethics...and I was saddened and horrified to see what happened with him, his 
> business, and a number of MOPO members. Hughes took on too much work for too 
> little money and it all ended up horribly wrong. I eventually got my posters 
> back. They were indeed all dry and the restoration was...credible. Interested 
> to hear what happened with any other MOPO-ites who dealt with Eugene.
>    It takes a real leap of faith to send a valuable piece of paper to someone 
> under any circumstances. Factor in the fact that you have to trust their 
> ability to do a first-rate cosmetic enhancement of something you may be 
> reselling someday and, boy, you've got fodder for a few sleepless nights. Put 
> the turnaround time and price in there and you've got a potential cluster 
> f**k waiting to happen.
>    I live in North County San Diego, which is home to a lot of restorers, so 
> I can just drop stuff off and pick it up later. Another benefit of the 
> face-to-face thing is being able to talk shop and gossip with artists and 
> managers. Diane Jefferys of Studio C is a lovely person and I have never had 
> anything but top-of-the-food-chain service from that group of folks. Haven't 
> been there in years but now that I'm getting back into buying.....(My 
> relationship goes all the way back to Joe Hernandez....THAT name alone is 
> good for a few minutes of back room whispers at a poster show!...who showed 
> me around their old facility in Oceanside, CA. The late Susan Olson, a great 
> restoration artist, brought me into the fold, and provided me with all manner 
> of back stories on people.)
> Ours is a very small hobby and word of consistently shoddy workmanship or 
> less-than-honest behavior gets around fast, especially with cybernetic ally 
> enhanced communication. 
>    One learns who to trust pretty quickly...for the most part. I'm still 
> waiting to hear back from Clarence Mobutu, the African lawyer who promised me 
> 13.5 million in Amerikan dollers from the estate of a long-lost relative. I 
> sent him 10 grand to do the paperwork 7 months ago and haven't heard a thing. 
> I'm sure it'll all work out though. 
>    Eugene Hughes vouched for Clarence 100%.
>    Greg Douglass
> ---- Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art <sa...@comic-art.com> wrote: 
>> hasn't gotten it back yet?
>> old story..
>> here is a search of the group for comments on Posterfix. Your friend 
>> should read at least some of them
>> according to experiences noted, people who waited months & months to 
>> get their posters returned suffered all sorts of poor restoration 
>> maladies, including the poster still being "damp" upon return
>> Posterfix and Chris Cloutier are well noted as amongst the worst - if 
>> not the worst - linenbacker who ever picked up a pail of paste (and 
>> set the pail down on the poster they were working on)
>> Rich
>> At 10:50 PM 7/12/2015, Todd wrote:
>>> Thanks Rich.  I don't use him  and have no need to as I already have 
>>> a great restorer but my client asked me about him tonight as he 
>>> already has something with him which he hasn't gotten back yet and 
>>> was planning on sending him something else.
>>> I just remember the name posterfix coming up on MoPo and thought I 
>>> possibly remember hearing some problems.
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Best,
>>> Todd
>>> ----------
>>> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 22:37:49 -0700
>>> To: toddfeier...@msn.com; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
>>> From: sa...@comic-art.com
>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Posterfix problem?
>>> why invite problems?
>>> find another reputable restorer who actually does an artist's job
>>> At 09:39 PM 7/12/2015, Todd wrote:
>>> I have a client who plans on sending a poster to Posterfix for restoration.
>>> I thought I remember people having problems with this restorer 5 or 
>>> 6 years ago, like not getting their posters back, but I could be 
>>> completely wrong.
>>> I've never used this person so any input on this restorer would be 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Todd Feiertag
>>> ----------
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> --
> Greg Douglass
> Guitarist-
> Lessons, Live Shows, Touring, 
> & Studio Work 
> (760)212-3648
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