My suggestion was they could give them away to fans or use a as fundraisers for the theater or charitys.. not sure what they did but Daniels sent my son a signed pic and thanked us..

I like the film and Daniels..'and Carey..

and i heard the film was good the poster was awesome i gave him another film ster but i forget the title

I used to Buy video posters every month from the local regional Hub VPD the country's largest video distributor..I had to buy them monthly after the release dates.. all regardless of the titles so i amaseed 100,000 posters in a few years.. they would come in 200 flats 400 trainangles and boxes of 50 rolls in boxess....

I got some killer titles and then mostly common one..i had to rent warehouse space to store them and get pallet racks... i would rip chest muscle lifting the boxes to get to a tatle on the bottom as the pies where 5 foot high piles on skids... and i had 13 pallets that big when i sold them off... The distribuotro closed the local hub..and by the 2000 the movies wher eggetting to be so bad i stopped buying them pluds i was divorced... funny art is i moved accross the street frm them in Perrysburg in 2006 as i lived ina luxery appartments built by the amish next to a pond with geese... I made my products in my attached 2 car garage and used the apt as my yemp home. and shop to do mail order....I would screen print while the tennets where at work, run a drill ordess and the manager was supportive and said you need the break,,,, i still cant believi did the ink fumes where crazy...but we learn to adapt..that that doesnt kills us does make us stronger// the cost to renta commercial building and a apt came close s i fuigured ill pay the 950 a month a be able to rack the door to the garge and work inthere as i could heat it with the same cost...

it was peaceful being in the country i was next to the wallgreens warehouse so many industrail parks near and iwas the 1st tennet as they where newly built..vaulted ceooings 2 bath 2 bed,, and beautiful... cool kitche and a garage with 2 spaces..all finished..I made it work and also rented a warehouse for cld storage...

I still have video posters like enter the dragon, casblanca, Gwthe wind..ascresm and many oteres i thought where the best.. they used my searchers videip t make the reprints and they used my dudash casablancas also as sme of the viseio posters wher as good as one sheets and warnerBrothers used the same theatrical for vviseo release so many of thewb titles are actually video one sheet......

cool eh????
I had zillions of Contact as the studios just used so many posters n the late 80s and90s..I also worked as a poster hanger wild posting in Deroit and would get many posters to put up...i did many Norris films and iron eagle,,and tristar, columbia,cannon films... vestron, and that period..I got a few good title but many where soft one..the studios would send me most times 1000 or more of each and so i had many posers i would then trade with Poster dealers all over the world who also had quantitys and thats how we did it on 80s and 90s. before the internet was i n swing and before ebay... was the place where everyone became dealers..
and forgerys took over on any good titles..
I like reprints as they make theimages available for people wh just love film..i love selling to common flk as they also have passion and ar not fixed on investment.. hey just likethe one of them...some of the reprints with digital art are shrper in detail then the originals.. but i also liekold school printers liekthe stone lithos so i part crazy collector also i am just to frugal and broke...and woul be frightened to pay super high prices....but that heps me i guess as when staed people and benkers laughed at me liek i was crazy for loving movie posters as was really funny now they think im a millionaire and was smart... bit do i have them all foooled..

I just really enjoy seeing people happy.. so in that case i may be one of the richest man in the that aspect as there is no greater joy then when people smile and are happy and entertained

On 2017-07-06 13:47, filip de volder wrote:
wow , 600 one sheets for fly away home ??

any idea what they did with them ?

i see Bruce sold one , in 1996 for 0.99$


 SENT: Thursday, July 6, 2017 7:06 PM
 TO: filip de volder
 SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] happy $th of July FREE sound devices

 very Good flip... now we are getting someplace.. sadly i feel fora
 french candaian romainian who has taken me on the wildest
 ride f life.. and she dont smoke is a health nut,kickboxes and can do

 back flips... but she has no interest in me so i just keep
 inMontreal aso luckiliy we are 500 miles aapart

 jeff daniels from dumb and dumber one of my fave comedys live in
 mich about 30 miles from me....I donated about 600 one sheets from
 flyaway home a duck movieand delivered them to his wife.. they run a
 theater inthe town called the Purple Rose theater..

 I sent jerry lewis one of my clocks i did for Paramount and when my
 was liek 5 we gave hima clapboard we make and he sent my son Tommy a
 signed still...i Think lewis is the comedy genius of all time next to

 chaplin well tey are bot equal inmy book... and carey also is
 we need more god comics .. Its a mad mad mad mad world is my fave
 of alltime and the cast was to me the best ever assembled in movie
 history...and jerry had a cameo in it

 I guess i can send you one

 it will take a while since its 1st class mail.

 On 2017-07-06 02:36, filip de volder wrote:
 > Jerry Lewis , the french loved him , as i'm not french fortunately
 > don't have to share their love with jerry , nor with their nasty
 > habits of eating froglegs , snails and camembert cheese , the
 > are disgusting , 90% of french women smoke , 60% of those roll
 > own fags ...
 > I liked Jim Carrey in dumb and dumber , but then i went to see it
 > the kids and their laughter is always contagious , not sure if i'd
 > have liked it as much watching it alone .
 > well , if you want to send me one of your chinese things feel free
 > here's my address :
 > 7 rue de l'etang
 > 66500 los masos
 > france
 > -------------------------
 > FROM:
 > <>
 > SENT: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 6:11 PM
 > TO: filip de volder
 > CC:
 > SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] happy $th of July FREE sound devices
 > funny,,,the dollar sign was a typo i let it go as i thought it was
 > kinda
 > arty.. andsince all the usa spent money on chinese foreworks it
 > aproppriate..
 > my posts are about posters yours are about....??????
 > i dont want t insult mopo members with banter from you me.itton the
 > imfamous Pink panther...
 > I prefer to be Inspector Clouseau and hellp the good citizens of
 > havea safe procductive life...'
 > today i am sending 3 more sound devices to Mopo Members who I hope
 > will
 > give a reprt to Mopo on how cool tey are...
 > some great suggestions are the fanfare of movie studio
 > openings..quotes
 > from the films, and famous line.. if the fit in 10 secs it will
 > work///
 > i can find many on You tube..
 > I need to send some to Bruce Hershendon emovie poster and also sue
 > and
 > Ed Poole at the movie archives..and am open to Ideas...
 > even you Flip wilson..Mopos cheif comic and general heackler from
 > france.. Jerry lewis wolud love you..
 > On 2017-07-05 11:30, filip de volder wrote:
 > > not really , i just thought it odd to see you replace the 4 in
 > of
 > > july with a $ sign ...
 > >
 > > also odd to see you think i'm a lurker though the dictionary sais
 > > A lurker is someone that follows the forum but doesn't post.
 > >
 > > but indeed , your gadget can work as a movie poster quoter and
 > > perimeter alarm all in one :
 > >
 > > -------------------------
 > >
 > > FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom
 > Martin
 > > <>
 > > SENT: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 4:35 PM
 > > SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] happy $th of July FREE sound devices
 > >
 > > my sales re for thhe trucking company and my ebay customer
 > ar
 > > in
 > > the philippines and i think they are some of the kindest people
 > > the
 > > world and my trucking company is in the USA...
 > > the sound devices are amd in China and when made in the 90s -
 > > electronics come from China and the chineses people also do a
 > > job.. as do the Germans, Italian, wiss, and UK..
 > >
 > > as i think ou made this statement as Bait to start a political
 > > talk....
 > > forget about it as i love all people all colors and races adn
 > > nationallyitys..TRump sourced out many of his products.. we can
 > have
 > > USA
 > > jobs as my own products are all made in the USA in Toledo OHIO
 > > ..these
 > > where a warehouse find of limited get them while
 > they
 > > last and no i cannot warrant they will keep working as they
 > obsolete
 > > inventory...
 > >
 > > But theaks Filip for the interest..
 > >
 > > these devise where ceated originally for a different purpose...I
 > just
 > >
 > > saw a new purpose for the use as i re-purpose many things ... my
 > > entire
 > > business has been abpout selling memories of show biz people and
 > > things.. and a 10 sec sound clip seems to fit the theme well...
 > they
 > > also will alert you when someone breaks the beam and so they
 > as
 > >
 > > perimiter alarms in a way...."_
 > >
 > > this way you can hear when Flip voicerecorder is lurking in the
 > > poster
 > > room ..LOL:)
 > >
 > > On 2017-07-05 02:09, filip de volder wrote:
 > > > happy $th of july indeed if your manufacturer is not in the usa
 > but
 > > in
 > > > the philippines , Donald Trump wants american jobs !!
 > > >
 > > > -------------------------
 > > >
 > > > FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom
 > > Martin
 > > > <>
 > > > SENT: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 9:29 PM
 > > > SUBJECT: [MOPO] happy $th of July FREE sound devices
 > > >
 > > > I am looking for 10 people that would liek a free talking
 > > sound
 > > >
 > > > device to test and review on Mopo
 > > >
 > > > I sent one to Jim episale ina order he got on ebay of some
 > > stills...
 > > >
 > > > I will send one to Tommy Barr when he gets me his addres..
 > > >
 > > > and i would Like Sue Heim to get me her address
 > > >
 > > > and Alan Adler
 > > >
 > > > and Scott Burns if he wants one
 > > >
 > > > Otherwise speak up ill do like 10 freebes as samples.You talkin
 > to
 > > > me??
 > > > you talking to me?
 > > >
 > > > send me a email...
 > > > I sold 4000 of the t-rex sound units to a surplus company ten
 > > > pallets
 > > > where misloaded so they traveled all the way to iowa and back
 > > > chicago
 > > > and all over sales rep inthe philli[ines about had
 > I
 > > > told
 > > > him to relax and calm life is to short..
 > > >
 > > > Happy 4th of July...! my sales on ebay went well and ill have
 > more
 > > > stuff
 > > > on my page Dream Factory as soon as i can
 > > >
 > > > thanks for the sales and support..
 > > >
 > > > and Scott Burns you have the nerves of steel to be a judge, or
 > > solve
 > > > world issues i suggest you run for president and ill vote for
 > you.
 > > >
 > > > ----
 > > >
 > > > Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at [1] [1]
[1] - The MOvie POster (MoPo) Mailing List web site! [2]
 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

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 > [1] - The MOvie POster (MoPo) Mailing List web site! [2]
 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

 > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
 > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

 > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
 > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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 > > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors
 > > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

 > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
 > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

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 The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...

 > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors of
 > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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 > > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for collectors
 > > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
 > > Six-Sheets), lobby cards, inserts or ...
 > >
 > > > The MoPo List is an Internet mailing list created for
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 > > > movie memorabilia. If you're into posters (from One-Sheets to
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