wow Sue -so cool your memories...
I love to hear others strys as well I started in 1977 kinda by accident aftera trip toHollywood in 1976...mel Blanc told me ..well tom you may not geta record deal, but youwillfind a niche andsoafter i came home I did a booking agency as my back up to my Music..and then litle by little I started to sell the memorabilia from my office as a mail order line with 1920s photoplay movie mags ..Posters ,books ,cards, andboth original vintage andthen Portal andthe like added inand16mmfilms and anything Holywood,,like filmprops,reels..etc..

I just looked in my stash of fave stuffand still havea 1967 Larry Edmunds catalog...manit has stuff that would ohh Heritage and sothebys today..

Ironically Adrian Cowdry wanted to Buy My ReelArt book...but balked at the cost to ship a heavy book like that..andthen now theauthors has passed..the irony Adrain was such a tall viking looking nice Guy I remeber him as into bond and he bought some bond posters and hitchcock....its funny how we remeber deals we did with others years later

I mentioned the 1stposter i boughtin quantity before evenseeing the one guesses I opend myretail shop after themail order in OCT 1981....andthose years were great for movies...esp rememberi sold a 1sheet for et,or raiders orstarwars,,fr 9.50 ina board and bag....Bladerunner...all ofthem...i paid between 3.50and 4-6.50 a poster then....foled and rolled...

welltheboards and bags were like 1,50 I wuld bbuy 1000 sheets made locally white on one side and c -flute 200lb test corrogated....Pollybgs from Bags unlimited....

I had in my shop over 2000 postesr on display plus the winged racks ofcommercial and shrinkwrapped poster maybe another 1000 i had 3sheets amdfrench onhewalls the big ones..they neversold back then andi got themfor15.00 from kennsington gardens,,,in washington ...who found a whole warehouse full...andi had thetall big as life posters...i carried reros of allthe makers of reproduction likeIra roberst,portal andlike10 publishes,,whats funny is i stillhave some becasue i bought many over he years....

when i supplied the Smithsonian...i offered guaranteed sale on my stuff so they could return unsold stuff..i did the Cinci art its like a 6 hour drive,, the Museum called and said OK pick up theunsold Merch !!! wow..i failed...whata nut..why did a blieve they would sellanything !!! ,on my way down to Pick up the left Overs, I was cussing at myself saying YOu idiot what were you thinking,,,??now i have 12 hours just to pick up..I Imagined them laughing at the Hollywood dream factory® guy and saying whata bozo with his i get ther and thelady sayd this way,,,i go ina room,,they is all this stuff,poster,bags,cards,,gallery limited editions...I say wellwheres my stuff????she said oh YOur stuff??that allsold out..we want you to buy all the unsold other vendors and want you to get it out of here,,,,so i filled my pickup ford courier with some cool stuff I still have left some of the chaplin look alike in from of a movie the are and others that sold back then for 30,99 the vendors would not take back,,,,Time warner was the sponsor...

so i gotstuff 10cents onthedollar,,,ontheway Home..i was telling myself whata fucking genius i was...andso happyI could shit... Then the t was more....the Cinci museum recoomened metothe other Museums all over the country so i supplied therest about luck,,,,,

You mentioned Ron Borst he gave me bmy best review on ebay,,,,as i sold him a window card for the 1928 the terror 1stwb Horror is featured inhis book GravenImges....andhe said it was the best pacgeing job he ever got,,i used 2 sheet of Masionite to make sureitwould never bend,,,, But the real thril was he said itwas a gift for Forrey Ackerman..of famouse monsters eventhough i sold theposter fornot much..the thrillof forry gettingit was priceless to me...againi se allthese peope are passeed..but I thinkill se them all again...andsothis is alla great lesson the stuff decays,rots ,gets lost stoledn,,but thememories are forever...evenfor theones we think are mentally gone..while in teh nursing home wheni was veryill..inlike2012,,this lady had demtia....andshe wanderd the hallslikea zombie...wheni said mam,,,we are allscared dont worry,,Christ has notabandoned you...shelit up grabbed my hand and said YOU are rightand started talkinglikea normal person..herdoctor husband put her there,,i Toldthenurse ,,,shes justscared and cocooned as a way tocoppe...illness.stres andlife changes make us nuts....its hard toage..but as longas we just count theblessings anddo as mr Rogers said be helpers,,,,it will work out...

I am almost ready to announce my biggest lifetime decision...that either will be my biggest Flop todator the biggest beautiful thing ive ever done..that will help many friends,the world,movies,my son,and everyone...we will see..may be ill get lucky if not,,its more life lessons and when i look at all ive already got,,,I am amazed i even did book idea is in my head and just needs to be put down..and I keep meeting so many people that somehow fit ina pla i never could have thought of..chances areyou all will see it tooand be part of the Hollywood dream factory® as its all about the dreams of many over alttle over 100 years,,not me but many who affected me... what i hope to achieve is some opportunities for many and a perpetual dream factory for Kids, and adults and idea people that will help with the worlds issues... as that's what all my mentors told me...andmr E Rogers said look for the helpers,,Lennon said he was not theonly dreamer,,,and christ said to help everyone.. so i think i get it... fact isas we see inpolitics many cannot see love as a answer,,,,but many can and i thought it was beautiful how the women and kids have stepped forward to do what all these men have botched up over century,,,,soifyy read ny ofmy postes overlast 10yearsive said i wanted to do all this and now i see it clear although my eyesight is shot.. walt disney said ..Its kinda fun doing the impossible..and i even think what i am trying to do islikea lottery......but all ofhem said the same like edison,ford,Disney,,Jobs, yyou name it...adversity is the best education in about anything...'anyways keep those stories as thats how i learn about this business is the people in the business.....please tell your story how you got in,what you like, background,,,,the Pooles should do a bio book on the dealers as there is almost a family tree...I am surprised i dont know more ,,the poster price almanac was collectors world, clssic images,,Big reel...the cbg,toy shop,,the cons...mulqueen,,so many venues..hollywood poster show,Ray Courts,,,new york,,,Bruce Hershenson's many memories,,,,Thank YOU everyone,,even if we neverdid biz...
Just thought of veto sstnaitis

On 2018-11-07 15:31, Susan Heim wrote:
Hey Tom,
 We've been around this hobby for a long time. All the names you
brought up have such great long time memories for me. Long before MoPo
and the internet, all who you mention and the likes of Todd Feiertag,
Ron Borst, Eric Caiden, Eben Rogers, Crowell and Lorraine Beech, Doug
Hart with Backlot posters, Rudy and Barbara, Jose Carpio with
Cinemonde, and so many others that have woven the fabric of this
hobby. I dearly miss the ones that have left us. I miss going to the
shows and catching up with everyone. The internet has changed all
that. I still have the fondest memories of waiting outside Larry
Edmunds Bookstore in Hollywood early on a Saturday morning in 1973
waiting for them to open the doors and to get in with my list. I would
sit for hours on the floor going through boxes. Did the same thing at
Morrie's shop on Hollywood Blvd. Boy, those days were
fun..........anyway, it's always so sad to hear of someone passing
but, for me, it cuts a bit deeper when it's someone that I've shared
this hobby with.

 Best to all,
 Sue Heim


FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom Martin
 SENT: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 6:50 PM
 SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] The world's foremost movie poster collector,
Richard Carson Allen, passed away on September 19th

So many cool people in the Movie memorabilia biz..I still have a 1st
 edition of the book and its hefty..and when i think of all the great
 movie books there were so many..James Parrish was a reg customer and
 wrote some great ones..Herb Bridges, Lou Valentino, all these folks
 who showed me the movies...and i still remember the day when Morris
 stopped by my shop and bought some stills itwas a summer day i was in

 back cleaning 16mm films with film cleaner so i was the
 fumes were strng..andi rember one still was Mae West original
 was such a honor when peole i met on MOPO would stop by andbuy stuff
 Like Adrian Cowdry from UK ,,and guys on way to Cinevent from Zeev Drach.....I still remember how it was just fun
 and talking poster art,,,,,I spoke to many of you by email and

 a guy just sent me a old school letter who did 3d sterovision...I
 Alan Adler to call him as he has a warehouse of 3d films and

 it tuns out that man is paralized from waist down so he cannot move
 stuff,,and i thought i had issues....somany of us live and at ages
 -8o--90 learn we are not we must learn to see our
 get in the hands of the new breed of youth archivists..

 Love to see your posts friends,,Sue Heim and all my dealer
 Buddy's..Bruce and others,,Ill be 63 this next year..and wow time
 by so fast..
 I feel we will be moving into a positive cycle with the new elections

 over,glad to see the new woman inpoliticsand changes oftheold
 gaurd...the Kids se whats going on andunderstand we needto consider

 we are made up of everyone..all genders,races andculturse..thats
 reflected in Motion pictures,,,andFilm can help change ideas and
 event thru art and history...I see postive things..but sure we
 somerough spts likeall life has ..but we will Learn from
 long as we do our best to help everyone...

 Thank you all for the encourgement andhelp I have been given over the

 years even my adversaries hve taught me all kinds of things that
 i can help others with...Nice to see posts from Rudy Franchi and
 Toochis, and Kirby Mcdaniel.....I just made a pot of Mcdaniel
 Jim Episale...and everyone Rich Haluga and all others keep mopo going
 its been a great venue to learn from and meet Friends..
 be sure to see learn about movie posters from Ed and Sue Poole

 have a great post election week..

 Oh,,,and i have been selling off many things s ifyou need posters,
 books,projectrs andall kinds of goofypop culture,,I am thego to guy
 have oodles of stuuff from beforei was evenborn,,,and been doingthis
 since1977....soi even amaze myself what i saved over 40 years and
 discover treasures everyda whileonheyeallw brick road of
 memorabilia....its still Fun....and i feel so lucky i can even do

 and take care people...

 ps...a few years-25??? back i bought a film collection in
 the house of a lady wh had the former stable of General George
 Custer..well wheni had to pee i went in the bathroom that still had
 copper bathtub from the 1800's and i said wow i just took a pee in
 same place Gen Custer did in the 1800s!! talk abouta kodak moment!!!!

 guess you had to be there... LOL :)

 kindest regards,

 .On 2018-11-07 09:01, Morris Everett Jr. wrote:
 > For those who knew Richard Allen you had to like this gentleman. He
 > was "Old School" . Famous for his book, his love of collecting,
 > great "Flying Down to Rio" three sheet , his wit, and his slide
 > and speeches at Cinevent in Columbus. I would see him at
 > and auctions in Toronto, Canada, a city he and Barbara loved to
 > Every year we lose a few old timers and Richard was at the top of
 > list.
 > Morrie Everett
 > On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:22 AM Susan Heim <>
 > wrote:
 >> Mr. Allen was such a kind and generous person. The conversations
 >> we had were always so enlightening and just so nice. I still have
 >> my Reel Art book close at hand. Sorry to hear of this..
 >> Sue Heim
 >> -------------------------
 >> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Alan
 >> Heimann <>
 >> SENT: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 3:50:16 AM
 >> SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] The world's foremost movie poster collector,
 >> Richard Carson Allen, passed away on September 19th
 >> Coming across his book in the mid 90’s sparked my interest in
 >> poster collecting ..from what’s been written here he had an
 >> amazing life
 >> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 11:39 PM Diane Jeffrey
 >> <> wrote:
 >> I echo everything that has been said here about Richard C. Allen,
 >> 100 times over.
 >> While we had the business of posters in common, my relationship
 >> “Mr. Allen” (I always called him that) was so much more. We
 >> would spend hours on the phone talking about anything and
 >> everything, life, family, politics, Montclair, NJ ( I am a Jersey
 >> girl), stories of when he was in the service, healthy living ( I
 >> still sleeping on the magnetic mattress, he knew would be good for
 >> me). He had such an impact on my life that I will always be
 >> grateful for. Through the years, we always talked through the
 >> changes in our lives, and I will miss that.
 >> Rest easy my friend, Mr. Allen, you made this world a special
 >> for me.
 >> Diane
 >> Studio C
 >> Posteritati
 >> SENT: Monday, October 1, 2018 2:05 PM
 >> SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] The world's foremost movie poster collector,
 >> Richard Carson Allen, passed away on September 19th
 >> Ditto that sentiment Kirby. Richard was as lovely a person as you
 >> are ever likely to encounter. His passion & enthusiasm for movie
 >> posters & their history was inspiring & a pleasure to be around. I
 >> always felt very privileged to have the opportunity to talk to him
 >> or listed to him discuss our shared passion.
 >> I am deeply sorry to hear of his passing. He will most certainly
 >> missed by everyone in the movie poster word.
 >> Bruce, please send Barbara & his family my condolences.
 >> Regards,
 >> Sam sarowitz
 >> 239 Centre St FL 4 | New York, NY 10013 [2] | 212.226.2207
 >> Instagram [3] | Twitter [4] | Facebook [5] | Pinterest [6]
 >> On Oct 1, 2018, at 3:04 PM, Kirby McDaniel <>
 >> wrote:
 >> Hello, All:
 >> First of all, thank you, Bruce, for reporting this.
 >> I am greatly saddened to hear of Richard Allen’s death. He was a
 >> wonderful man, and he was so kind to me in the beginning days of
 >> career selling film posters. He was encouraging. He genuinely
 >> loved film posters, and your assessment of his influence on the
 >> hobby is spot-on. The book he created with Stephen Rebello is a
 >> wonderful book, and I’m sure that it helped to spawn the many
 >> books that now exist on the subject, some of which are quite fine,
 >> but none better than REEL ART.
 >> You are quite right about his personality, which was warm,
 >> inviting, curious, genial, patient.
 >> I was lucky to have known him. My dad died when he was 97 also,
 >> I can tell you that that in itself is an accomplishment.
 >> Rest In Peace, Richard.
 >> Kind Regards to all on this list, and to you, Bruce,
 >> Kirby McDaniel
 >> MovieArt Austin
 >> On Oct 1, 2018, at 1:35 PM, Bruce Hershenson
 >> <> wrote:
 >> It is with much sadness that I report that the world's foremost
 >> movie poster collector, Richard Carson Allen, passed away on
 >> September 19th. He was 97 years old, and he lived a remarkably
 >> life, both personally and professionally. You can read much about
 >> him here:
 >> [7]
 >> I first learned of Richard Allen in 1988 when I saw the massive
 >> coffee table book he had just co-authored with Stephen Rebello,
 >> mid-1980s I resumed collecting movie posters (after having stopped
 >> for a decade), and it was this amazing book that propelled my
 >> collecting into a much higher gear (and I have heard the same from
 >> many, many, other collectors over the years since).
 >> After buying the book, I very much wanted to meet Mr. Allen in
 >> person, and I did so the following year (legendary movie poster
 >> dealer Jose Ma Carpio set it up). Upon meeting Richard (as he
 >> insisted I call him!), I was at once struck by how humble he was,
 >> spite of his many business accomplishments. And I also met his
 >> wonderful (and very supportive) wife, Barbara, whom he had married
 >> in 1943, and who was by his side when he passed away, after a 75
 >> year marriage and three children.
 >> Over the next few years we had many business dealings, with my
 >> first auctioning much of his remarkable collection, and later we
 >> co-authored a large number of movie poster books, and later still
 >> formed a partnership in leasing images of classic movie posters
 >> Hershenson/Allen Archive), and through it all, we never had a
 >> disagreement.
 >> I have accomplished much during my career in the movie poster
 >> hobby, and whenever people ask me how I did it, I remember the
 >> of Isaac Newton, who said, "If I have seen further it is by
 >> on the shoulders of giants", and I say that in my case, "If I have
 >> done more in this hobby than others, it is by standing on the
 >> shoulders of Richard Allen"!
 >> Incidentally, Richard did not come first come into the movie
 >> hobby around the time of Reel Art. Growing up in Montclair New
 >> Jersey, he would attend great 1930s movies, and sometimes he asked
 >> the theater for a poster from a particular favorite, and he still
 >> had those when I visited him for the first time in 1989! When
 >> dealers first appeared on the collecting scene in the 1960s and
 >> 1970s, Richard was one of their best customers, searching out the
 >> finest posters from the finest movies. This is why Reel Art
 >> contained the most amazing assemblage of movie posters ever seen,
 >> because the collection had been formed over many decades.
 >> It is impossible to overstate how influential Richard's book, Reel
 >> Art, has been on the movie collecting hobby. It was the first to
 >> treat them as an art form rather than a collectible, and it is no
 >> coincidence that less than two years after the publication of this
 >> book the world's foremost auction houses were regularly holding
 >> major movie poster auctions, and that this little hobby grew from
 >> few hundred people to many thousands. And for decades after its
 >> publication, Richard remained a "good will ambassador" for the
 >> hobby, traveling all over the country, telling everyone he could
 >> about this wonderful hobby.
 >> So thank you very, very much Richard, for all you did for the
 >> poster collecting hobby. You absolutely were the world's number
 >> movie poster collector, and every collector the world over owes
 >> a great debt of gratitude for all you did for our hobby!
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