Congrats, Scott!  Despite having more senior moments of late - (the reaper 
still awaits!) - I recall the rollicking early years and the famous names that 
have been brought up here as a "public service" to others and sometimes not.  I 
think I joined MoPo in 1996, because months later, Todd F.'s one-sheet from 
"The Mummy" went on sale in L.A. - and that was my first encounter with a 
couple of MoPo members in person. One LESS obvious thing I've noticed, 24 years 
later (for me) - is how smart phones have reduced the length of many posts 
across-the-board, not just at MoPo - but in social media.  I'm so old that I 
still prefer a full keyboard and won't post from a smartphone. I've saved some 
of the more memorable exchanges in a separate folder - just because they're fun 
to read and to recall what the collective mindset was so long ago - as well as 
to preserve messages from people who have passed.  I still regard MoPo as a 
legacy "brand," the place where it all started for people like me.  Thank you! 

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Scott Burns 
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 9:55 AM
Subject: It's Our SILVER Anniversary! 25 Years of MoPo!

Who would have thought MoPo would still be around 25 years after that first 
listserv message was sent on February 24, 1995…be here we are!!!!

MoPo really started in 1994 when a small group of movie memorabilia collectors 
found each other on Usenet (you youngsters may have to Google that) and began 
CC’ing each other on e-mails discussing the hobby. It was a primitive mailing 
list, but it worked. Then in early 1995 as our distribution list grew, American 
University student Adam Ehrlich discovered his school allowed students to 
set-up a listserv discussion group—for free–and MoPo was officially launched. 
It’s interesting that once a list begins, as long as it stays active and has a 
listowner (that would be ME!) AU just lets it chug along even after a student 
graduates. Even more amazing is that AU still maintains their listserv system 
at all. But a big thank you is in order to American U for giving MoPo a home 
for all these years.

As is my annual tradition, I salute the original 11 who were here 25 years ago 
today: Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh Kai 
Shen, Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Jeff Static (using AOL name Static555), 
Cindy Nemeth-Johannes (sadly we lost Cindy in 2008, but her husband Jay is 
still a MoPo member), myself, and of course, (former) AU student Adam Ehrlich. 
I’m happy to report that in addition to Jay, Michael, Rob and Evan are still 
with us 25 years later!

It seems unreal that 25 years have passed since MoPo began…time does really fly 
if you’ll pardon the cliché. I was an avid collector back at the beginning, but 
as the years have passed (along with my hair line), I find myself content with 
my collection as it is and have begun thinking about what I’m going to do with 
all these beautiful images that are now living in storage boxes. But every day 
I do enjoy looking at my favorites that have been carefully framed and hang on 
the walls and they will probably be the last to go should I ever decide to 
liquidate. (I have a feeling I’ll be liquidated before those cherished gems 

My thanks to all MoPo’ers, past and present, for a wonderful 25 years. Happy 
Silver Anniversary MoPo!


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