Congratulations!!!!!! Celebrate 🎉 

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> On Feb 24, 2020, at 2:06 PM, Glenn Taranto <> wrote:
> Scott - 
> Congratulations and many thanks for all your hard work. 
> In 25 years I'll be 86. I expect I will either be living in the Actor's 
> Home... or back east taking a dirt nap. I wonder if I'll ever get all those 
> Wheeler and Woolsey lobby cards I'm missing? Stay tuned!
> It's been a great experience being part of MOPO!
> Thanks again!  
> Glenn
>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 1:24 PM Tom Rogers 
>> <> wrote:
>> Thanks, Scott. 
>> This site has been a real treasure over the years. Even as more of a lurker 
>> than a poster, I have learned so much from everyone. The discussions are 
>> always informative and interesting, and the generosity of the folks on this 
>> List continues to amaze me.
>> Best of luck to you, and here's to another 25 years (and may we all be there 
>> to celebrate THAT milestone)!
>> Tom Rogers
>>> On Feb 24, 2020, at 12:55 PM, Scott Burns <> wrote:
>>> Who would have thought MoPo would still be around 25 years after that first 
>>> listserv message was sent on February 24, 1995…be here we are!!!!
>>> MoPo really started in 1994 when a small group of movie memorabilia 
>>> collectors found each other on Usenet (you youngsters may have to Google 
>>> that) and began CC’ing each other on e-mails discussing the hobby. It was a 
>>> primitive mailing list, but it worked. Then in early 1995 as our 
>>> distribution list grew, American University student Adam Ehrlich discovered 
>>> his school allowed students to set-up a listserv discussion group—for 
>>> free–and MoPo was officially launched. It’s interesting that once a list 
>>> begins, as long as it stays active and has a listowner (that would be ME!) 
>>> AU just lets it chug along even after a student graduates. Even more 
>>> amazing is that AU still maintains their listserv system at all. But a big 
>>> thank you is in order to American U for giving MoPo a home for all these 
>>> years.
>>> As is my annual tradition, I salute the original 11 who were here 25 years 
>>> ago today: Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh 
>>> Kai Shen, Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Jeff Static (using AOL name 
>>> Static555), Cindy Nemeth-Johannes (sadly we lost Cindy in 2008, but her 
>>> husband Jay is still a MoPo member), myself, and of course, (former) AU 
>>> student Adam Ehrlich. I’m happy to report that in addition to Jay, Michael, 
>>> Rob and Evan are still with us 25 years later!
>>> It seems unreal that 25 years have passed since MoPo began…time does really 
>>> fly if you’ll pardon the cliché. I was an avid collector back at the 
>>> beginning, but as the years have passed (along with my hair line), I find 
>>> myself content with my collection as it is and have begun thinking about 
>>> what I’m going to do with all these beautiful images that are now living in 
>>> storage boxes. But every day I do enjoy looking at my favorites that have 
>>> been carefully framed and hang on the walls and they will probably be the 
>>> last to go should I ever decide to liquidate. (I have a feeling I’ll be 
>>> liquidated before those cherished gems are!)
>>> My thanks to all MoPo’ers, past and present, for a wonderful 25 years. 
>>> Happy Silver Anniversary MoPo!
>>> Scott
>>> MoPo List Owner
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