Zeev Drach I remember when you came in my shop when you were on the way to cinevent in Columbus you were a Israel soldier and you bought Lobby cards from me... Thanks Not sure if you meant Tommy in UK in the post buton the issue of Haters Ill comment

Right now Haters are everywhere in all countrys and in all politics and religions and in all types of business.. they are people that hate races and blame each other for the failings of man andeach other its been going on since the start of man..

If you look at what the Muslims, andJews and christians seem to argue is what God to believe in as all 3 groups believe in Abraham and Isaace yet question if Jesus was truly the son of God yet the muslims credit Jesus as a prophet the Pharisees or the Jewish leaders questioned Christ authority to do miracles and had issue with him yeah he was Jewish that began the issue of hating as they were not happy with Christ at all and he said to them I tell you before the tax collectors and the prostitutes will get into heaven before you will because he questioned their intentions on leading the people by denying that he was the Christ or Messiah because the Jewish leaders wanted a warrior that would destroy evil with military might not by peace and love they thought that was ridiculous so for 2000 years people have been arguing about that and why were haters against both the Muslims and Christians and Jews it's because of an extreme misunderstanding of the policies that Jesus was teaching although although I understand now that there is a unanimous agreement by all faiths Christ was teaching the right things to love God with all your heart and soul to love your neighbor and help them and she would help others and to basically not hate anybody he told us to love our enemies and help them with all these leaders from all countries would do the same and rebuild cities not destroy them and help the children and elderly and women we could stop the hate and that's why you'll notice that many people are standing up and saying stop the war and stop the hate I believe we are on the eve of what Christ told us he would return and settle the discrepancy once and for all that is my prayer an my wish My cab drivers are from all over the world the call center for my cab company is it in Serbia in the Serbian people are very kind overs are from all over the world summer from Israel some from Africa like Somalia and Sudan and Ethiopia and Egypt and Palestine Lebanon so we talk about peace and love and mankind the Muslim people pray many times a day and they are very helpful people who have love and compassion for their fellow man to racism and division among people is very strong in my area because Detroit Michigan is the largest area of Arabs in the US in my city alone we have a Islam mosque my doctors when is woman from India who happens to be a Christian one of my other doctors is a Muslim from Pakistan very loving kind people and I also have USA American doctors that are a combination of multi cultures

The only solution that I can see to hate is love and forgiveness and kindness and helping the oppressed and poor and by respect for all people of all nationalities including Hindus and Buddhists and other sects we are all brothers and sisters connected together by the blood DNA proves we are all related my family is from Bermuda and was Italian British and Scottish and Irish and Portuguese my father side Direct from Sicily Palmero Sicily was conquered by the Greeks Muslims and various countries including Austria so I have many peoples blood in me maybe even Jewish I need to get a test for my ancestry done it may be interesting

Anyways I wrote a song in protest to the school shootings and death of John Lennon it's on YouTube free and other platforms as the recording studio said I needed to record the song it is a protest to the government and those that hate and divide us and think war is the solution to everything the song is called Armageddon by Tom Martin I didn't do it for money but to try to make a statement that we need to teach the children to love not to hate it's not a commercial knee slapper song but it was my only way to communicate my thoughts at the time wrote the song back in 1976 but I changed some of the lyrics after John died in 1980 and after the Parkland Florida school shootings the insanity of war and what has happened in politics in the last few years really has troubled me but it's the same time biblical scripture is being fulfilled in ways I never considered when I wrote the song

Wishing everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year and God bless you all and I hope all these words are resolved that Ukraine and Russia can get along and that the Middle East will all come together in peace and love and that Taiwan and China and all the countries that are in trouble resolve the problems and help each other in the book of Isaiah it is said the weapons weapons war would be turned into plowshares in the end times and that's exactly what I'd like to see done if we took all those weapons and manpower and rebuilt cities and help the elderly and children and families it would make a lot more sense to teach farming and how to work together because mankind can do incredible things when they all work together same thing with when we we help the disabled and those with learning disabilities it makes sense in the big picture and if we take care of our environment with the oceans and the environment which is why we seem to be suffering so much with global warming and pollution god believes mankind can resolve and turn their ways and Jesus told us to help everyone is our neighbors that means everyone people can change GOD believes mankind can resolve and turn their ways and Jesus told us to help everyone is our neighbors that means everyone PLEASE PRAY FOR AL PEOPLE.. MY GRANDMOTHER SAISD 2 WRONGS DONT MAKEA RIGHTAND THATS WHY ALL SIDES NEED TOCOME TOTHERAS HE ALLMAKE ERRORS IN JUDEMENT NO MATER WHO WE ARE..WW2 SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT US WAR IS A WASTE OFLIFE NEEDLESS AS WELLAS NAM AND KOREA AND ALL WARS ORWE WOULD BE AT PEACE ANDNOT LOSE COUNTLESS LIVES AND BREAK UP FAMILS
SINCE 1977

On 2023-11-29 08:58, Zeev Drach wrote:
Playing dumb, Tommy?


SENT: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 6:02 AM
SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] A question for everyone on MoPo (except the

What would be interesting is a definition of 'the haters'. Hate
questions; hate Mopo; hate posters; hate Bruce; hate anything and

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 03:59, Tom Martin
<dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote:

reminds me when President Bill Clinton debated the meaning of the
"IS" :)
we could all say we could be " Ending Soon"
so everyone should be quick to Forgive and help each otherand focus
Love and respect forall mankind.

As most of the clergy and biblical scholars and futurists along with

Jesus christ say the current world will be "Ending soon" but he also

said no one but his father in heaven Know that particular time
he told the disciples do you know when it's going to rain or storm
the signs so will be the time of his return he said he will come
like a
thief in the night when we least expect it that there would be great

cataclysmic climate change volcanoes earthquakes and diverse places
wars and rumors of wars all over the world doesn't take a rocket
scientist to see and also he said knowledge will increase and I
offer you the debate about artificial intelligence seems to be in
perfect alignment along with all the science fiction writers who
predicted similar actions

Personally I've decided to put it in gods hands and ask him to do
will not mine and whatever that is that will further God's plan is
I wish to accomplish before I end soon
i was so impressed with Jimmy Carter today who even inhospice at 99
tothe funeral inhis wheelchair whata statementof Love and devotion
courage I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976 the humble Peanut farmer
Sunday schooland up to recent built home as he was part of homes for

thehabitat..whata kind man he has been and served his
God Bless Tosylynn and Jimmy Carter
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977

On 2023-11-28 21:48, Grey Smith wrote:
Agreed, Sean!
Ending soon means, look now as you may not have time to act if
you’re not looking!
Yes, ultra rare, Uber rare, so commonly used yet rarely true!

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:27 PM Sean Linkenback

Similar to the definitions for "Rare" and "Ultra Rare", it's like
Justice Stewart said - I know it when I see it.

I think you should say ending soon right when your auctions start
you don't have to worry about when to later.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:55 PM Bruce Hershenson
<brucehershen...@gmail.com> wrote:

Will any of you erudite members of MoPo define for me what
Soon" means?

For example, my December Major Auction just started at
https://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/13.html [1] [1]

Is it too soon to say it is "Ending Soon"?

If it is, how long before I can say that?

Thanks to anyone who answers (except the haters)


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G. Sean Linkenback - Attorney

3217 S Cherokee Ln. Ste 740
Woodstock, GA 30188

Office: (470) 632-7833
Fax: (404) 330-9206
Email: s...@llpslaw.com

Twitter: @Linkenback


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