I recently bought a the 'UV Beast' blacklight on Amazon that fellow MoPo member Peter Contarino had recommended. As expected, it is exactly what I had been looking for, so thanks to Peter for the tip!
I mainly bought this in order to better identify teh amount of restoration in linenbacked posters, but I toyed around with this at the shop today, just before closing down. The lights were already turned off, so except for the UV light the shop was entirely dark. 
I noticed that not only the title on my German Style B poster for BERLIN EXPRESS:
is in day-glo ink (not that big a surprise here), but also the title area and the orange top of the skull including the headphones on my SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL premiere poster:
More by coincidence, both are framed next to each other, but especially on the Stones poster the effect is quite amazing!
Just curious, is there anybody out there actually collecting day-glo movie posters?

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