hey there,

> > G
> > very simple: the economy relies on the health of the
> environment:
> biodiversity, wilderness. we are losing biodiversity and
> wilderness at
> record rates and this is a result of the rapacious global
> system of trade,
> theoretically underpinned by the economic theories of the
> chicago school of
> neo-liberalism: the bastard offspring 


> I think there may be some confusion (or maybe shorthand) in
> the last
> three lines of your paragraph.  The actual aggregate
> behavior of people
> in markets is not dependent on the theory of economics,
> rather it is the
> theory that tries to explain the behaviors, just like the
> behavior of
> animals,
> plants, and their dependencies in the biosphere is not
> dependent on
> ecological theory.    Theory merely reflects what it sees
> in the world,
> tries
> to explain it, and becomes an excuse to take action in the
> world.
> (Don't mistake governmental trade policies set by
> politicians for
> economic theory either, though they try to wear the mantle.

the chicago school has defined US economic policy for the past 30 years.
the chicago school is a school of economics.
this neo-liberal economic ideology has seriously fucked up the planet, at a 
much greater rate than the previous decades (when we were doing a pretty good 
job at fucking the planet already).

the US bullies the rest of the world into adopting the 'free trade agenda', 
which boils down to: our corporations are free to roam the planet sourcing the 
cheapest labour and resources, exploiting them for huge profit, then fucking 
off and leaving a human and environmental mess for someone else to clean up.

this is what seattle was about...remember? i got the crap kicked out of me by 
riot police in melbourne for sitting on the ground (in a very provocative 
manner!) blockading the world economic forum in 2000. its very clear how the 
world works, it becomes even clearer when you see it up close. 

> <snip>
> >G
> > no in depth analysis required. as long as the
> environment is not factored
> into the equation then economics will remain a
> pseudo-intellectual excuse
> for raping the planet.
> m
> careful, there's a baby in that bathwater...

okay tell me what good is economics. how has it enriched our lives?

> m
> Economy is indeed looked at in terms of growth and with a
> growing
> population that can be just a measure of standing still,
> depending on
> the number.  If you look at the numbers in the economy and
> use
> dollars adjusted to 1967 base numbers, you'll see that
> a lot of the growth
> is an illusion that covers up the long term effect of
> inflation.
> In real value, base '67, I made more money in my
> minimum wage
> job as a kid than the teens today make.  Standard of living
> for many
> has actually fallen in those terms.  Economic growth is not
> unfettered,
> but rather it is dependent.  (Oh, the current dollar is
> worth 15-cents
> of the 1967 dollar, maybe less by this time.)
> We look at Bill Gates and say wow he's the richest
> American ever.
> No.  He's actually 13th richest, value adjusted.  In
> today's dollar
> John D Rockefeler would be worth $305 Billion. Six or eight
> times
> Gates' wealth.

who gives a flying fuck my dear!!!!!!!!!!!! 
this is all irrelevant: it's just numbers. 
i don't care if bill gates is on my fucking roof, he is a fucking twat that 
made shit software.
what i do care about is that a society that allows such obscene resource 
concentration is totally out of balance and...well look what is happening....

there is one earth and we all have to live on her. we can respect the earth, 
each other and ourselves and live long happy lives or we can pretend that 
everything is okay whilst things go from worse to 'holy fuck!'

look it's very simple: the MOQ is a theory, it is made up. in reality there are 
no levels, all is one. the MOQ is a nice tool but it is degenerate to use it as 
if it were how things really are. 

i am sick by the way: headache, snotty - so i am a bit short-tempered.

i am feeling very very over this stupid fucking western world, that i, for some 
unknown reason, find myself still in. i feel like K in the castle. i really do.

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