dear dave and other pirsigians:

pirsig claims to creatively add
    to an existing western philosophical canon,
        specifically regarding, metaphysics;
if he merely wished to write a diary of madness,
    or add to western understanding about buddhism,
        then i wouldn't criticize his work on this point;
however, he attempts to write a universal metaphysics,
    and to not read heidegger's 'being and time'
        is to have already failed in this task

if its all about drawing our own maps,
    why does pirsig read kant and james?
        why read pirsig?
            or why read anyone at all?    :)

to revolutionize a tradition
    first requires respect for that tradition,
he shows none (through ignorance or plagarism)
    so why should i pay him any?

i know that's rather harsh,
    and i still see much value
        in reading his (fiction) work anyway,
            but nevertheless, that's how i feel


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