
The subjectivity in MoQ is still one of my headaches, it should not be there. 

However, I hope I'm correct to say that you agree that it is possible for MoQ to "lead 
different people to different solutions for similar problem", as you stated. That do 
IMO result in a situation where many political ideas seems to be possible outcomes of 
MoQ, obviously Libertarianism for your part, left-liberalism for my part, and 
socialism for others.

Arete wrote:
I can not accept your analysis of Libertarianism as being based on
dog-eat-dog biological level as being accurate.  Libertarians do not think
that charity should not exist, but that the appropriate place for it is not
within the state but with the individuals and private organizations.
Libertarians think that people should not be compelled/coerced by the state
to contribute to programs or policies they do not think correct.  

I need to have people with high moral values for this to turn out to be a perfect 
world. I am of the pessimistic type, and will expect a large bunch of people that do 
not care so much for anybody exept themself. These are the people that will be 
spilling oil or chemicals in your water supplies, and pay the press to look another 
way when you protest. 

Gerhard wrote:
> Socialism, Social-democracy an other forms of "light" socialism is IMO superior to
> Libertarianism from a MoQ view, due to the reasons I stated earlier in this e-mail.

Arete wrote:
How would we differentiate between "light" Libertarianism and "light"
socialism?  Seems to me that in the middle there is a great deal of blurring
going on.

As mentioned earlier, I'm probably what you would call a left-liberal, and I guess 
that is something like  "light" Libertarianism and "light" socialism.

I tried an analogy a couple of weeks ago, and it resulted in a "roaring silence". 
Anyway, I'll try again:
IMO, Libertarianism is like trying to swim with an outboard motor, you have great 
possibilities for a high speed experience, but this is the only quality you can have 
hopes for - and you will probably drown before you get things going. The thing will 
not work before you have the boat (society). In short: IMO Libertarians are overrating 
one quality, and neglecting the rest.

I have no hopes in converting you to anything, but I hope you understand my doubt.


Gerhard (and good night)

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