Sam and all,

Sam wrote:
> (Compare the murder rates of inner city London with inner city Washington
DC). That
> doesn't seem an outrageous claim.

Well it certainly seems like you avoided my previous question pretty
effectively.  Do you only know what the "experts" tell you or do you know
where of you speak?  Washington DC, if memory servers, has a lot of gun
control laws, while other cities in the US do not and still has a lot of
crime (with guns).  The point people that guns don't cause crime, people
cause crime.

I see no contradiction between guns and the passage in Lila.  If a social
pattern kills an individual for violating social prohibitions (mal prohibum)
then yes that's bad but if I kill someone intent on doing me bodily harm
then that's good!  I am simply choosing my intellectual pattern over someone
elses additionally the other person is acting as the initiator of force not


"If they outlaw guns, does that mean we can use swords?" - bumper sticker

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