
As ive said before in an earlier post, you can't expect Nigerians to be as 
well-informed about events as we are in the US.  And in many 3rd world 
countries, starting a revolutiong isnt as easy as you seem to believe.  
People can be arrested just for printing anti-government sentiments (many of 
the people arrested simply 'disappear.')  So how do you expect people not to 
say that their government works?  
HOw do you expect to just take care of it themselves?  To even think of 
taking arms against their government scares them.  We talked a lot about this 
in Amnesty International last year.  Tell me, if you lived in the 3rd world 
and knew that if you fought a war against your oppressive government, they 
would torture your family, would you do it?  I doubt it.  

As for you calling Andrea a racist, i think your definition of the word is 
much more inclusive than his (or mine).  the dictionary on my lap says, 'one 
who believes in the superiority of one race over another, seeking to maintain 
the supposed purity of a certain race.'  Further, making a racist comment or 
thinking a racist thought in the past doesnt automatically qualify anyone as 
a racist.  These judgments can come from society as acquired conditioning, 
but are destroyed with time and thought.   


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