Glen, (and a p.s. to Wim, Lawrence and Gerhard)

Few simple questions.

Isn't it normal to have a permission in order to drive a car in Vermont?  Yes, I
guess. And rightly, as driving a car can be very dangerous, to yourself, and
that's more important, to the others. And don't they retire your driving license
if they catch you driving drunk or doped?  Of course, as it is very dangerous to
drive a car if you are addicted to alcohol.  And aren't there number plates on
your Vermont cars, so you can't do what you want when you are on the public
street?  And isn't it illegal to give a child your car, as he can't drive it?

So, let me know why it is so wrong in Vermont or wherever else the idea to
register the guns you own. Or the idea to put into every gun a sort of
electronic "password" so that only the legitimate owner will be able to use it.
As you probably know, guns firms oppose these and other suggestions, as they are
afraid to lose their rich market.

In few words, IMO they fill your head of pseudo libertarian messages, just to
save their business.

Luckily, there were no cars at the time of the Fathers, so they had no way to
make laws about the freedom to drive a car 200 mph fast on a dead end way. The
only idea that something is good as the Founding Fathers said that does not
sounds very Dynamic to my hears.....

In the end....

> people kill people not guns.

By means of what?


p.s. 1

> It the moment I'm not certain that MoQ are defining my goal, as I am more
confused now on the deductions from MoQ than I was when I joined this list. I
was used to having the goals defined by humanitarianism and utilitarianism, but
lacked a foundation for these arguments. Some years ago, I thought I found this
foundation when reading Lila, and I call tell you that I was pleased. Now, after
being a member of this discussion group for a half year, I've learned that it is
possible to be pro and con death penalty, it is possible to be humanitarian and
non-humanitarian, it is possible to defend egoism and utilitarianism, etc. etc.,
all based on the MoQ.

Well, they destroyed entire populations in the name of Jesus Christ, and his
Verb.... Don't give up!

30 degrees? In Norway? well, they are really destroying the climate on this
planet :-)

p.s. 2

> that slogan -- "Be all you can be" -- was
> quite consciously developed for the US army by a group of people who were
> quite familiar with Pirsig (and Korzybski).

Familiar with Pirsig? Interesting... what group?

p.s. 3

(last but not least)


I've read several times your long message (by the way, IMO it's more easy to
read in plain text)

What to say?


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