Thanks for the help, Carmelo!  To clarify, I understand that landmarks have 
coordinates that can allow for calculation of distance between them. 
However, for graphical purposes, I was hoping tpsDIG2 has a mechanism that 
would allow me to visualize that distance (i.e. a physical line 
representing minimum distance between the landmarks).  This way I can avoid 
exporting the files to photoshop, plus, the line representing minimum 
distance between the landmarks would be more exacting and reproducible.

Thanks again for your input. Very helpful.  

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 4:45:02 AM UTC-4, Caroline Judy wrote:
> Dear MORPHMET group,
> I am a new user of the program tpsDIG2, and have a general question that I 
> hope you can help me address.
> I need to make a linear measurement of a single character on a series of 
> specimen photographs. I have set the scale bar and made the measurement for 
> several of the specimens, and I see that the measurement for each gets 
> added to the tps file. However, I would like to save  an image of the the 
> trace of the measurement (i.e. the black line) on the photograph, so I can 
> have a permanent record of how the measurement was made. This black line 
> does not appear to save on the image file - when I click to the next 
> specimen, and then go back to the original specimen, the trace is gone.
> Is there a way to save the image of the measurement's trace? Or, is there 
> a better way to save a (visual) record of a linear measurement?
> Thanks very much for any help!
> Caroline D. Judy, PhD candidate
> Louisiana State University

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