Wow! Thank you so much for all of your responses already. I found  
all of them very helpful! I think you guys are right. I have been  
trying to fit too much into the time I have with each group instead of  
focusing on one main objective.
    Some of the classroom teachers do have certain books and work they  
want me to complete with my groups each day, but for the most part I  
have a lot of flexibility with the lesson. Even the teachers who do  
have specific things they want me to do with the groups would probably  
be fine with it if we were unable to complete everything. In most of  
the classes I go into, after I leave the students in my group go on to  
work on something different, so if I start something with them, most  
likely it won?t be completed until the next time I see them. I could  
talk to the teachers and see if they will let my group keep working on  
their own after I leave. I am relatively new to the job and all of the  
teachers have been wonderful to me, so it can?t hurt to ask.
     I work at a Reading First school that requires the use of the  
Scott Foresman Series. The phonics readers from this series are  
usually what I read with my groups. The reading instruction the  
students receive from the classroom teachers is also from Scott  
Foresman. Most of the teachers from what I have seen are focusing on  
fluency through repeated readings, echo readings, choral readings,  
ect. There is also a lot of work done on vocabulary instruction. I  
have not seen strategies instruction in any of the classrooms I am in,  
which is why I would like to incorporate that into my lessons.
We are on break this week, but I will definitely start incorporating  
strategies instruction when we return to school. I will try to stop  
worrying so much about getting through a book and focus more on what  
they are getting out of the parts we do read. I will also talk to my  
reading coach about the ?Comprehension Tool Kit? Ruth mentioned to see  
if that is available at my school. Thank you so much for all of your  
help so far! If anyone has anymore suggestions, I would love to hear  
them! Thank you again!


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