A question for all of you who use the DRA as part of your assessment  
practices. We use the DRA to assess students twice a year. While we know you  
have to 
have 94% accuracy, adequate comprehension according to the rubric,  and 
fluency, the issue has come up as to how hard and fast you adhere to  the 
score when calculation the independent reading level. We count the  WCPM and 
check them against Hasbrouck and Tindal's Fluency norms for each grade  level. 
The question has come up that if a child has the accuracy rate and the  
comprehension, but the fluency is below the 50th percentile, would you not 
that child that reading level?  Or, would you just make note that the child  
needs further instruction in fluency?
Would appreciate any thoughts on this!

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