I have an interesting student in my intervention class that I'd  like some 
others to comment on. I've been doing my end of year assessments- I  use the 
QRI-4 because the DRA for grades 4-8 is so long and these kids might  have 
actually seen the 40 & 44 levels- anyway, most of my students at the  end of 
grade are doing sketchy retells, fluency below the 50 percent mark  on the 
Hasbrouck fluency scale, but are getting the comprehension questions!  I've 
gotten kids scoring independent with a grade(level)4 expository piece and  some 
instructional at 5th with one of the easier expository pieces. Please feel  
to comment on those results-Here's my real questions- one of my girls (gd4)  
read a fifth grade QRI at only 65 wpm but answered all the questions. I gave 
her  another one and asked if she read better in her head-she said yes and then 
proceeded to read silently at 114 wpm with full comprehension. One of the 
recent  posts suggested kids read more slowly in their heads but this one 
zoomed!  I'm considering her placement for AIS (intervention services) for 
next year but  after this performance, I don't think she needs daily pull out. 
Would any of you  be confident of her level of reading with these two 
passages?-she also perform  well in small groups with me, but the classroom 
feels she needs  "testing" because her verbal expression is poor.
thanks- Michelle NY 4/5 AIS

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