
Have you read IN THE MIDDLE by Atwell?  It's a classic book like MOT. 
READING ZONE is more or less an updated edition, and I think Nancy is a 
great teacher and has lots of great ideas on teaching reading.  I agree we 
are putting the cart before the horse with strategies running the show, so 
we are getting copies for my reading department to read next fall.

For many, the tail is wagging the dog.  We're so wrapped up in this world of 
strategies, that we forget the main point of using them.....comprehension. 
I have had more kids who came into class telling me they hated reading than 
ever before, and I think it's because we have lost sight of the joy of 
reading.  I have teachers who insist on Reading logs and making kids read 20 
minutes every night, but most of the kids don't do it or fake their homework 
logs.  They aren't taught how to make appropriate choices when reading, so 
they hate reading.

The main problem I see with ZONE, is that I don't see enough "research" to 
back up her ideas.  The main point of the book isn't really the reading,'s that fact that the TEACHER MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.  To really 
teach a reading workshop as she describes, you have to read tons of YA 
books.  I barely have time enough to read MY books, let alone read all the 
YA books on the market.  I use "guinea pigs" in my class who I trust and 
have them read new books and give me their opinions.  I read a few YA books 
every year, but they help me a lot!  Anyone can teach strategies, but to 
really teach the love of reading takes a lot of work!

I also have issue about her comments on "Making Connections."  She says 
makilng connections HURTS comprehension because you can get distracted from 
the reading and lose your train of thought.  I think this can happen for 
some, but learning to control your mind so it makes APPROPRIATE connections 
makes it a VERY important strategy.  I think connections can not only help 
comprehension, but it can ENHANCE the reading by making it deeply personal. 
I was amazed Atwell didn't get that point because one of the reasons she 
loves literature is because of the feelings she gets from reading.  Making 
connections isn't just about intellectual connections; it's also about 
making emotional ones.

It's a great book because it does remind us that reading isn't something we 
teach for a test, or for a school year, or only until college --- reading is 
for a lifetime.


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