With all due respect, I don't agree. I work with the strugglers and I have  
to believe that what I do can improve their learning and accelerate it. What is 
 the point of putting them in a program and pulling them out of the classroom 
if  they don't start to catch up! If they don't make a years growth in a 
year's  time, they just fall further and further behind.  An intervention 
be  targeted and allow kids to use their strengths to remediate or work around  
their learning gaps. It should be DIFFERENT than the regular classroom but  
the standards need to remain high.  It  I regularly get a year  and six months 
growth in my interventions for many kids. If they are very far  behind, it 
will take a couple years of intervention to catch them up. When you  start with 
low expectations, you consign these kids to always be behind. Am I  successful 
with all kids??? Not by a long shot. But you have to BELIEVE that you  can 
accelerate their learning in order for these kids to stand a chance. 
In a message dated 7/22/2007 5:59:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

This  never makes sense to me. The kids in these programs are ones who have  
never made a year's growth which is why they are performing below grade  
and are receiving additional services so now to expect them to  progress more 
than a year in a year's time is not reasonable.

Pat -  NY

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