She works for you, after all, yes? Do you leave
explicit instructions that she doesn't follow, or do
you leave her general instructions that leave her room
to do what she wants to do?


This is my question as well.  None of my TA's (good,
bad or goofy) have been allowed to make this type of
instructional decision.  The last one who undermined
my lesson plans in such a way...well, she's not
working in my room any more.  (for other reasons as

Maybe your TA needs to learn some authentic ways to
get kids to read aloud during guided reading.  Things
like "Find a place you made a connection.  Get ready
to read that part aloud for us." Also, I sometimes
move from kid to kid at the reading table and ask them
to whisper read some of what they are reading to me if
I want a quick oral fluency check.  Round robin
reading is not very effective, and really I would be
surprised if it ever has been.  Why is she so
passionate about round robin reading?  Have you asked

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