I am joining this conversation late, however I will be moving into a 3rd grade 
classroom next year (from 2nd) and I am interested in learning more about
Literature Circles.
Can anyone recommend any titles of any professional resources that can teach me 
all about them?
Thanks!Rosa> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:44:10 +0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: mosaic@literacyworkshop.org> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] just right books?> > 
Leslie, send me your email and I'll talk about this 'until the cows come home'. 
It's my passion. > > > -----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
behalf of STEWART, L> Sent: Tue 4/29/2008 3:15 AM> To: Mosaic: A Reading 
Comprehension Strategies Email Group> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] just right books?> 
> Suzanne,> I love reading your thoughtful and thought provoking messages. I 
also> love using literature circles for reading with my third graders and I> 
believe they help the children show the most progress on the DRA, while> 
developing lifelong readers. Shouldn't that be the ultimate goal?> > In my mind 
I think part of the problem with literature circles is that> some teachers have 
difficulty giving up the control of their reading> groups to children. I don't 
mind admitting that at times the questions> the children design are better than 
my "back-up" questions, but you have> to be open to that. Teaching with 
literature circles is not as linear> as teaching reading in a traditional 
guided reading format. I also> think that some administrators may not 
understand that a "child run"> reading group with children creating the 
questions is a goal that we> struggle to achieve. I sometimes wonder if they 
even recognize "best"> practices themselves. To see things from their point of 
view, I think> we all struggle to stay on top of all of the subjects we have to 
teach,> and the administrators must have the same challenge.> > I would love to 
hear how you have moved beyond the roles. I have had> the children create or 
tweak roles themselves. I also have difficulty> assessing literature circles 
beyond anecdotal records and looking over> the assigned "roles" once they are 
completed. If you would like to chat> about lit circles in a sidebar 
conversation email me off mosaic.> > I find the direction/s education is taking 
confusing. On one hand we> are told to differentiate to meet the needs of all 
learners while on the> other hand we are told to use a one-size-fits-all model 
to reach those> needs. I don't think children should have a steady diet of any 
one way> of teaching reading when there are so many different approaches that 
you> could take. > > Leslie> > Leslie R. Stewart> Third Grade Teacher> John B. 
Sliney Elementary School> 23 Eades Street> Branford, CT 06405> (203)481-5386 
X310 FAX (203)483-0749> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > > -----Original 
Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
HERBERT> Suzanne> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:44 AM> To: Mosaic: A 
Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group; Mosaic: A> Reading Comprehension 
Strategies Email Group> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] just right books?> > I am so 
thankful to hear your thoughts, as I actually thought I was> going crazy. The 
push is coming from the principal and all is being> based on the DRA and 
reading continuums. We actually had Bonnie> Campbell Hill come and do workshops 
here with us and she was fantastic,> and I loved what she said about Literature 
circles in that it supported> all I had been doing and many others in the 
school but let me give you a> picture of what is happening. Some teachers were 
struggling with LIT> circles, I offered to run some professional development on 
strategies in> the classroom, moving beyond the 'roles' and some of the older 
thoughts> about how these run. The principal said no and the reason, 'she 
didn't> want people to be overwhelmed as after all we are just starting with> 
DRAs and levelled books'. Now, for me, the kids know their levels and> if you 
look at their scores on a beginning DRA and the end DRA, sure> there has been 
development and there would have been regardless of the> DRA.> It's the way I 
teach reading I believe. I get 'guided reading' for> younger classes, I get it. 
But, once your kids become really good,> independent readers aren't you doing 
more of a 'lit circle' type thing.> I don't know but I agree with what you are 
saying about levels. And> then, they are just pulling titles from everywhere, 
not really matching> it up with units, trying to include fiction and non 
ficiton and ordering> this all online. The emphasis on good practice seems to 
be less> important than dotting the i and crossing the t. I was told yesterday> 
by the language arts coordinator that I could not order books for guided> 
reading that the kids had ever seen before. They had to be new texts to> the 
students. Now, I have a rotating library of 100 books in my room> every two 
weeks, where am I going to get titles the kids haven't seen,> or browsed 
through. I've decided to just 'be quiet', do as I'm told and> do what I know to 
do best, but to have these discussions with you a> n> d to listen to your 
comments is just such good professional chat for> me. Thank you so much. I have 
a friend who teaches in Armenia and she> just had a consultant in from the 
STATES and it was ll the same thing,> DRA, levelled books, reading 
continuums....and if you look at all the> big international schools in our 
area, it's the same. But, I feel so> isolated not being able to talk to people 
on a large scale about what> they are doing and how it is going. Thank you for 
all the help. I> love hearing from you all. Suzanne> > > -----Original 
Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Renee> Sent: Thu 4/24/2008 
9:28 PM> To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group> Subject: 
Re: [MOSAIC] just right books?> > I'm sure I will get some flack for this, but 
in my opinion once a > student is reasonably adept at figuring out text, 
worrying about > *levels* is silly, unless the student consistently chooses 
books to > read that are way too easy or way too hard.> > I think it's real 
easy to get nit-picky about these things. I remember > about ten years ago or 
so, the Reading Recovery teacher at our school > saying that with a third 
grader past a certain level (RR, maybe level > 17 or so) it was not necessary 
to do running records anymore, and yet > these days it seems like people are 
doing running records on sixth > graders at level bazillion. Why are we making 
more work for ourselves? > For what reason?> > Renee> > On Apr 23, 2008, at 
9:17 PM, HERBERT Suzanne wrote:> > > It would be great if there was some 
feedback on this. We are > > levelling 40 percent of the books that we should 
be using in the > > classroom for reading. I would assume that literature 
circles and > > silent reading, the children will take their own choices. I 
teach > > fourth graders, and out of my 18 kids, 15 are independent on DRA 
Level> > > 50. So, I'm thinking, how essential is it to stick to 'levelled > > 
books' if this is the case and why wouldn't you just encourage wider > > 
reading and child choice? I haven't in the past been into 'exact' > > levels 
for guided reading, somewhere in the 'range' and then lots of > > other reading 
instruction. We're an international school, and a bit > > isolated in terms of 
these types of conversations. At the moment we > > are just following 
directions blindly but now all these types of > > questions are starting to be 
asked. Any ideas/advice/thoughts greatly> > > appreciated and I so appreciate 
the chance to speak with you all. > > Suzanne> > > "We are here to infiltrate 
space with ideas."> ~ Ramtha> > > > 
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